SHURONG ZHAO赵蜀蓉 Dr. Zhao Shurong is a Professor at School of PublicAffairs and Administration of University of ElectronicScience and Technology of China (UESTC), andDirector of Center for West African Studies of UESTC.She serves as Council Members for Chinese Society ofAfrican Historical Studies: the"Belt & Road"AfricanStudies Alliance and Chinese Society for Asian andAfrican Studies (July 2018-). and Vice President ofInternational Chapter for American Society for PublicAdministration (July 2017 - June 2019). She worksat the frontier between politics and management.using quantitative and qualitative research methodsin teaching and research Her research interests covercomparative studies on governance, public policy andstrategac management an the context of globalization.She also serves as the Executive Chairperson andEditor in Chief for International Conference on PublicAdministration (ICPA) and its annual Proceedings havebeen collected by ISI Web of Knowledge - ISSHP since2005. She has published extensively in highly ratedjournals and her publications have been collected byworldly recognized data bases including EI, IEEE andISI (CPCI-SSH/S-ISSHP/ISTP).