
作者: 詹恩超、新东方南昌语言学校高考英语研究中心
原售价: 108.00
折扣价: 73.50
折扣购买: (套装)新高考英语读后续写+词汇一本通
ISBN: 9000302002116


"詹恩超 毕业于浙江大学 知名线上教育机构原高中英语负责人、培训师 知名教育集团原新高考英语集团顾问 China Daily“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛决赛评审 浙江省高考英语公立校团体培训师 课程被全国百强中学官方推荐 拥有剑桥大学TKT英语教学能力证书 "


1第一部分 ENGLISH ? PART ONE 读后续写 2 新高考英语写作全解 读后续写、应用文与概要写作 第一章 题型概述 一、读后续写概况 1. 题目要求:阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 2. 考试要求:提供一段 350 词左右的语言材料,要求考生依据该材料内容、所给段落开头 语和所标示关键词进行续写(150 词左右),将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结 构完整的短文。 二、读后续写评分标准 读后续写题型的评分原则如下: 1. 本题总分为 25 分,按五个档次进行评分。 2. 评分时,应先根据作答的整体情况确定其所属的档次,然后以该档次的要求来综合衡量, 确定或调整档次,最后给分。 3. 评分时,应主要从内容、词汇语法和篇章结构三个方面考虑,具体为: (1)续写内容的质量、完整性以及与原文情境的融洽度; (2)所使用词汇和语法结构的准确性、恰当性和多样性; (3)上下文的衔接和全文的连贯性。 4. 评分时还应注意: (1)词数少于 120 的,酌情扣分; (2)书写较差以致影响交际的,酌情扣分; (3)单词拼写和标点符号是写作规范的重要方面,评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以 考虑,英式、美式拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 读后续写各档次的给分范围和要求见下表: 档次要求 第五档 (21~25 分) 1. 与所给短文融洽度高,与所提供各段落开头语衔接非常合理,文章内容新颖、 丰富、合理,非常有逻辑性,续写完整; 2. 所使用语法结构和词汇丰富、准确,语言错误很少,且完全不影响意义表达; 第一部分 读后续写 3 档次要求 3. 自然有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使所续写短文结构紧凑,全文结构非 常清晰,前后呼应,意义连贯 第四档 (16~20 分) 1. 与所给短文融洽度较高,与所提供各段落开头语衔接较为合理,比较有逻辑性, 续写比较完整; 2. 所使用语法结构和词汇较为丰富、准确,表达比较流畅,可能有些许错误, 但不影响意义表达; 3. 比较有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使所续写短文结构紧凑,全文结构比 较清晰,意义比较连贯 第三档 (11~15 分) 1. 与所给短文关系较为密切,与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接,与原 文情境基本相关,但有的情节不够合理或逻辑性不强; 2. 所使用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求,有一些错误,个别部分影响意 义表达; 3. 应用简单的语句间连接成分,使上下文内容连贯,全文结构基本清晰 第二档 (6~10 分) 1. 与所给短文有一定的关系,与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接,内容 和逻辑上有一些问题,续写不够完整; 2. 语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,有些语法结构和词汇方面的错误,影响了意 义的表达; 3. 较少使用语句间的连接成分,全文内容缺少连贯性,全文结构不清晰,意义 欠连贯 第一档 (1~5 分) 1. 与所提供短文和开头语的衔接较差,内容和逻辑上有较多重大问题,或有部 分内容抄写原文,续写不完整,与原文情境脱节; 2. 使用的语法结构单调,词汇项目很有限,有较多语法结构和词汇方面的错误, 严重影响了意义的表达; 3. 缺乏语句间的连接成分,全文结构不清晰,意义不连贯 0 分 未作答;所写内容太少或无法看清以致无法评判;所写内容全部抄自原文或与 题目要求完全不相关 续表 4 新高考英语写作全解 读后续写、应用文与概要写作 第二章 谋篇布局 一、“负—转—正”的情节轮廓 读后续写可以充分地发挥学生的想象力,提供极大的创作空间。但是,续写作为一种考试 题型,也自然需要设置考点。续写的“题干”就是所给短文,续写的“设问”就是段首句提示 语。脱离问题本身作答,哪怕文采奕奕也是文不对题,可以说,读后续写就是“戴着镣铐的舞 蹈”。读后续写,先要“读”,才能“写”。那么我们在读的时候到底应该关注哪些要点,才能避 免偏离整体情节走向呢? 1 “矛盾(负)”决定了故事的起点 小时候看《西游记》,年幼的吞吞就一直想不通一个问题:既然孙悟空一个筋斗十万八千 里,那为何不直接让他去西天把经书取回来呢?后来吞吞才明白,故事的起点本就是矛盾冲突。 有了矛盾,人们才需要去克服艰难险阻,对抗天灾人祸;有了冲突,人世间才会有悲欢离合, 国恨家仇。没有矛盾,就没有精彩的故事可说。读后续写本质上是一种“故事续写”,也必然有 矛盾。在新课程标准的框架下,这些矛盾又可以归于人与自然、人与社会和人与自我三大类的 矛盾。找到这个矛盾,就找到了故事的起点。 2 “转折(转)”决定了高潮的展开 故事的转折是为了解决之前的矛盾,是之前积累的矛盾、冲突、负面情绪的集中释放。续 写中转折有可能是题目已经写明或者给出了线索和方向,也有可能需要学生进行合理的想象,完 整构建矛盾解决的过程。这个转折决定了故事高潮的展开。当然转折后也有可能矛盾暂未解决, 抑或出现了新的矛盾。 3 “结局(正)”决定了故事的终点 “正能量”的结局 高考作为选拔性考试,当然也会包含对价值观的考查。因此续写文章的主题应该是积极 的,结局也应该是积极的。虽然不能说悲剧的结尾就一定消极,但是在处理的难度上,“happy 第一部分 读后续写 5 ending”要比“bad ending”更易于传播正能量,弘扬真善美。正向的结局决定了故事的终点。 “正能量”不等于“皆大欢喜” 例1 “监守自盗”【2021·江苏省南通市高二上学期期中】 文章讲述了银行职员Jack,因妻子出车祸急需手术费,而利用职权之便盗窃工作银行的故事。 文章写到他成功抢走一大袋钱之后,出现了续写的两个段首句: Paragraph 1:After Jack had been gone from the bank for a while, the alarms began to ring. 翻译:Jack 离开银行一段时间后,警报响了起来。 Paragraph 2:But the most unlucky man was the manager of the bank, an old man. 翻译:但最倒霉的是银行经理,一位老人。 不难发现,所给文章和两个段首句,其实都没有提示“Jack 会落网”。但是我们需要一个正 能量的结局,所以Jack 不能逍遥法外。虽然设计结局让Jack 自首或者被捕,对于Jack 和他的妻 子来说,一定不是好事,因此,正能量的结局不等同于皆大欢喜! 例2 “舞蹈比赛”【2020·江苏省涟水中学高二下学期段测】 文章主人公Mary,之前因出车祸而受伤,她特别想要通过一场比赛重新证明自己。Linda 是她的竞争对手,但是临近比赛,Linda 把配乐磁带弄丢了,随后出现了续写的两个段首句: Paragraph 1: Suddenly, Mary caught sight of a black box under the chair where Linda put her bag. 翻译:突然,Mary 看见Linda 放包的椅子下面有一个黑盒子。 Paragraph 2: Hearing her name called, Mary walked on the stage with her heart beating faster and faster. 翻译:听到有人叫她的名字,Mary 走上舞台,心跳得越来越快。 本文其实涉及两处矛盾需要解决:①磁带:根据正能量结局的要求,Mary 应该把磁带交还 给Linda,而不是私藏或者扔掉。②比赛:因为“交还磁带”已经突出了“诚信”的正能量主题, 所以Mary 是可以输掉比赛的。与例1 一样,结局虽然没有皆大欢喜,但是却是满足正能量结局 要求的。 “结局”不等于“结尾” 除了正能量不等于皆大欢喜外,我们还要注意:故事的结局不等同于文章的结尾。故事的 结局是“矛盾被解决了”,但文章结尾往往需要我们回扣主题,进行升华等以更进一步地点题。 例 “家中遇蛇”【2020·山东省威海市一模】 文章讲述了Roman 待在家里非常无聊,有一天在沙发下抓出一条蛇,他以为是假的就扔向 了弟弟,过后才意识到是一条真蛇!随后出现了续写的两个段首句: Paragraph 1:As Roman was farther from the snake, he jumped to the window and grabbed the curtain. 翻译:Roman 离蛇更远,他跳到窗前抓住窗帘。 6 新高考英语写作全解 读后续写、应用文与概要写作 Paragraph 2:After the rescue team caught and took the snake away, everyone went inside the home. 翻译:救援队抓住蛇并将其带走后,所有人都回到了屋里。 根据两个段首句给出的线索可知这是一个“家中遇险,最终得救”的故事。但是所给文章 开头大肆渲染了Roman 的“百无聊赖”: “Usual boring day!” This would be the answer from Roman if somebody asked him how his day was. These days he found everything boring, nothing excited him. 因此,在危机解除后,我们应该回扣“无聊”这个点,对主题进行升华,比如:At home, safety comes first, not excitement. 4 用“负—转—正”标记故事轮廓 本部分以高考真题为例,粗线条地梳理一下“负—转—正”的故事线,宏观地把握故事的走向。 下文将用“负】”标记“矛盾”或者说“负面情节”的截止位置,用“【转”和“转】”标记“转 折”的起止,用“【正”和“正】”标记“正向结局”的起止,梳理概括大体的情节梗概,并推 测正能量的结局。 “负—转—正” 例1 “拍摄北极熊”【2020·浙江卷】 One fall, my wife Elli and I had a single goal: to photograph polar bears. We were staying at a research camp outside “the polar bear capital of the world”—the town of Churchill in Manitoba, Canada. Taking pictures of polar bears is amazing but also dangerous. Polar bears—like all wild animals —should be photographed from a safe distance. When I’m face to face with a polar bear, I like it to be through a camera with a telephoto lens. But sometimes, that is easier said than done. This was one of those times. As Elli and I cooked dinner, a young male polar bear who was playing in a nearby lake sniffed, and smelled our garlic bread. The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, which was surrounded by a high wire fence. He pulled and bit the wire. He stood on his back legs and pushed at the wooden fence posts. Terrified, Elli and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew. We yelled at the bear, hit pots hard, and fired blank shotgun shells into the air. Sometimes loud noises like these will scare bears off. Not this polar bear though—he just kept trying to tear down the fence with his massive paws ( 爪子). I radioed the camp manager for help. He told me a helicopter was on its way, but it would be 30 minutes before it arrived. Making the best of this close encounter ( 相遇), I took some pictures of the bear. 第一部分 读后续写 7 Elli and I feared the fence wouldn’t last through 30 more minutes of the bear’s punishment. The camp manager suggested I use pepper spray. The spray burns the bears’ eyes, but doesn’t hurt them. So I approached our uninvited guest slowly and, through the fence, sprayed him in the face. With an angry roar ( 吼叫), the bear ran to the lake to wash his eyes. Paragraph 1: A few minutes later, the bear headed back to our camp. 负】 Paragraph 2: 【转 At that very moment, the helicopter arrived. 转】 【正 正】 所给文章提到我和妻子Elli 去加拿大北部拍摄北极熊。而后,北极熊袭击了我们的营地。 由第二段首句“At that very moment, the helicopter arrived.”可知,“直升机的到来”就应该是转 折的开始。而故事的结局应该是正向的。 前情提要 我和妻子Elli 去加拿大北部拍摄北极熊。 负- 转↑ 正+ 北极熊袭击了我们的营地直升机来了…… 我们获救了 例2 “潮妈”【2017·浙江卷】 A Vacation with My Mother I had an interesting childhood. It was filled with surprises and amusements, all because of my mother—loving, sweet, yet absent-minded and forgetful. One strange family trip we took when I was eleven tells a lot about her. My two sets of grandparents lived in Colorado and North Dakota, and my parents decided to spend a few weeks driving to those states and seeing all the sights along the way. As the first day of our trip approached, David, my eight-year-old brother, and I unwillingly said good-bye to all of our friends. Who knew if we would ever see them again? Finally, the moment of our departure arrived, and we loaded suitcases, books, games, camping equipment, and a tent into the car and bravely drove off. We bravely drove off again two hours later after we’d returned home to get the purse and traveler’s checks Mom had forgotten. David and I were always a little nervous when using gas station bathrooms if Mom was driving while Dad slept: “You stand outside the door and play lookout ( 放哨) while I go, and I’ll stand outside the door and play lookout while you go.” I had terrible pictures in my mind: “Honey, where are the kids?” “What?! Oh, Gosh ... I thought they were being awfully quite.” We were never 8 新高考英语写作全解 读后续写、应用文与概要写作 actually left in a strange city, but we were not about to take any chances. On the fourth or fifth night, we had trouble finding a hotel with a vacancy. After driving in vain for some time, Mom suddenly got a great idea: Why didn’t we find a house with a likely-looking backyard and ask if we could set up tent there? David and I became nervous. To our great relief, Dad turned down the idea. Mom never could understand our objections ( 反对). If a strange family showed up on her front doorstep, Mom would have been delighted. She thinks everyone in the world is as nice as she is. We finally found a vacancy in the next town. 负】 Paragraph 1: 【转 The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us. 转】 【 正 Paragraph 2: We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. 正】 所给短文提到母亲想要搭帐篷住,但是我们拒绝了,这是属于母亲的想法和我们的想法之 间的矛盾。而根据第一段首句“我们想起了那个崭新的帐篷”可知,此处明确了转折的方向,是 转折的起点,而结局应该是正能量的。 前情提要 我的母亲很健忘,甚至有些“古怪”,但是她很有爱。我的童年因为她而变得很精彩。有一次我们 要去看祖父母,父母决定一路自驾。 负- 转↑ 正+ 妈妈想搭帐篷住,被我们拒绝了第二天我们想起了帐篷…… 妈妈很开心,我们也很开心 例3 “荒野求生”【2016·浙江卷】 One weekend in July, Jane and her husband, Tom, had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the forest. Unfortunately, on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel. By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom, “I’m going to find a better spot for us to camp” and walked away. With no path to follow, Jane just walked on for quite a long time. After she had climbed to a high place, she turned around, hoping to see the lake. To her surprise, she saw nothing but forest and, far beyond, a snowcapped mountain top. She suddenly realized that she was lost. “Tom!” she cried. “Help!” No reply. If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom. Jane kept moving, but the farther she walked, the more confused she became. As night was beginning to fall, Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night. Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much to be with 第一部分 读后续写 9 Tom and her family. She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him. Jane rose at the break of day, hungry and thirsty. She could hear water trickling ( 滴落) somewhere at a distance. Quickly she followed the sound to a stream. To her great joy, she also saw some berry bushes. She drank and ate a few berries. Never in her life had she tasted anything better. Feeling stronger now, Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake. As she picked her way carefully along the stream, Jane heard a helicopter. Is that for me? Unfortunately, the trees made it impossible for people to see her from above. A few minutes later, another helicopter flew overhead. Jane took off her yellow blouse, thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again. Paragraph 1: But no more helicopter came and it wag getting dark again. 负】 【转 转】 【 正 Paragraph 2: It was daybreak when Jane woke up. 正】 前情提要 Jane 和丈夫出去玩,但是路上吵架了,Jane 独自离开。 负- 转↑ 正+ Jane 迷失在丛林里…… Jane 醒来了 Jane 获救了 本题故事的转折也可以发生在第二段,则故事轮廓为: Paragraph 1: But no more helicopter came and it wag getting dark again. Paragraph 2: It was daybreak when Jane woke up. 负】 【转 转】 【正 正】 负- 转↑ 正+ Jane 迷失在丛林里 Jane 醒来了 …… Jane 获救了 在以上两种情况中,不管转折是发生在第一段还是第二段,最后的结局根据 “负—转—正” 的脉络,都应该是Jane 获救。两种情况不同的是,转折节点的设置会影响到各个板块的篇幅和 10 新高考英语写作全解 读后续写、应用文与概要写作 内容。 如果转折发生在第一段,那么Jane 在第一段就应该获救,而第二段“Jane 醒来”之后,应 该都是获救之后的情节;如果转折发生在第二段,那么第一段就应该描写她“荒野求生”的细节, 而第二段,则要安排她获救的情节。 这两种设计从逻辑上讲,没有孰优孰劣。但是,由于整个所给短文的设定几乎都是在丛林中, 所以“获救后”的情节和描写很容易跳脱出前文的设定。从这个角度讲,把转折设计在第二段是 更优的处理方式。 “负—转—负—转—正” 例1 “卖爆米花”【2020·全国新高考卷Ⅰ(山东卷)】 The Meredith family lived in a small community. As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet. People were trying to help each other meet the challenges. Mrs. Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman. She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor. She knew they had problems, and they needed all kinds of help. When she had time, she would bring food and medicine to them. One morning she told her children about a family she had visited the day before. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, who took care of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy. The little boy—his name was Bernard—had interested her very much. “I wish you could see him,” she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara. “He is such a help to his mother. He wants very much to earn some money, but I don’t see what he can do.” After their mother left the room, the children sat thinking about Bernard. “I wish we could help him to earn money,” said Clara. “His family is suffering so much.” “So do I,” said Harry. “We really should do something to assist them.” 负】 【转 For some moments, John said nothing, but, suddenly, he sprang to his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a solution that we can all help accomplish ( 完成).” The other children also jumped up all attention. When John had an idea, it was sure to be a good one. “I tell you what we can do,” said John. “You know that big box of corn Uncle John sent us? Well, we can make popcorn ( 爆米花), and put it into paper bags, and Bernard can take it around to the houses and sell it.” Paragraph 1: When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she thought it was a good one, too. 转】 【 正 Paragraph 2: With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business. 正】 "高考英语两大难题,一站式解决! 一套书覆盖英语写作与阅读词汇,帮你牢牢把握高考英语80分题型。 不管是什么基础,都能跟本书一起,与高考英语一战。 《新高考英语写作全解:读后续写、应用文与概要写作》包含读后续写、应用文写作、概要写作三大题型,全面覆盖考纲题型,一站式学习。全书附配免费视频课,覆盖近三年真题(含2023真题),贴合最新考情、注重实战。 《高考英语阅读理解词汇一本通》从109套高考英语真题的阅读理解中,甄选出最重要的200个核心词汇和考频最高的680个高频词汇。教你用高考真题的思维记背高考单词,语境式记忆,阅读理解+词汇,一遍掌握。 "