
作者: 编者:教育部国际合作与交流司//教育部留学服务中心|
出版社: 人民日报
原售价: 99.00
折扣价: 52.47
折扣购买: 我与中国的美丽邂逅(2023年来华留学生征文大赛优秀作品集)
ISBN: 9787511581006



生命的邂逅——写给女儿美馨卡的一封信 Encounters in Life—A Letter to Meixinka, My Daughter [乌克兰] 阿琳娜 安徽师范大学 [Ukraine] Zhuk Alina, Anhui Normal University Dear Meixinka, My sweet baby, the night is deep now and the stars are shining in the sky. In this beautiful river city of China, I feel so peaceful, quiet and delightful to look at your sleeping chubby face , long eyelashes trembling slightly with the sound of breathing. In a sudden I am driven by an impulse that I would like to share with you a lot of words while preparing lessons. Time flies. My life journey turned to be extraordinarily significant thanks to those beautiful encounters in China, an ancient and young country, from being exposed to Chinese language in 2004 to receiving scholarships for pursuing master’s and doctoral degrees in China; from bidding farewell to the beautiful hometown in Ukraine to landing on this ancient and culturally diverse Chinese river city; from the first awkening of love to meeting and falling in love with a sunny and kind-hearted Chinese young man, with whom I entered the marriage hall with the oath of “holding your hand and getting old together”;from knowing the first character “China” to becoming a Chinese university teacher. 亲爱的美馨卡: 我可爱的宝贝,夜已深,窗外繁星点点。 在这座美丽的中国江城,看着你熟睡的胖嘟嘟的小 脸,你长长的睫毛随着呼吸声微微颤动,如此和平、宁 静而美好,正在备课的妈妈,突然有好多话想对你说。 时光如梭,从2004年接触汉语,到获得奖学金来中 国攻读硕士和博士学位;从告别美丽的乌克兰故乡,到 邂逅这座历史悠久、人文荟萃的中国江城;从懵懵懂懂 的情窦初开,到和阳光善良的中国小伙子相识相知相恋 ,“执子之手、与子偕老”走入婚姻殿堂;从认识第一 个中文词“中国”,到成为一名中国大学教师,妈妈的 生命旅程,因邂逅这个古老而又年轻的伟大中国,变得 意义非凡! 亲爱的美馨卡,妈妈永远不会忘记2020年的冬夜。 作为中乌爱情的结晶,你这个美丽小生命的到来,让我 们的生命从此邂逅了更深层次的意义!你的爸爸守候在 床边,看着襁褓中小小的你,激动到手足无措。我们商 量许久,给你取名“美馨”。你爸爸说,汉语中“美”