
作者: 编者:(克罗)何沃德
出版社: 广东人民
原售价: 268.00
折扣价: 174.20
折扣购买: 生命之水--艾雷岛威士忌品鉴指南(汉英对照)(精)
ISBN: 9787218140186


何沃德(Hrvoje Vojvodic)先生,1970年出生在克罗地亚的萨格勒布,他大部分时间都在这里生活和工作。 自2004年到2015年,他在中国工作、生活。前6年在北京,后5年在深圳。 最近20年,他成为威士忌品酒专家,定期造访威士忌博览会、蒸馏厂,以更新他对世界各地威士忌的了解。不但有单一麦芽威士忌,还有其他种类的威士忌(如混合威士忌、混合麦芽威士忌、波本威士忌等等)。 他曾著有《生命之水:苏格兰威士忌品鉴指南》及英文版摄影书籍《一个欧洲外交官镜头中的中国》。最近几年何先生又将精力投入到艾雷岛这一类型的威士忌中,此书就这样诞生了。 覃雨洋,2011年毕业于广西师范大学旅游管理与英语学专业,双学士。从事酒店业工作5年,之后进入高端食材进口行业工作至今。


1.关于艾雷岛About Islay 被誉为“赫布里底群岛女王”的艾雷岛,是内赫布里底群岛最南端的岛屿,也是苏格兰第五大岛屿,坐拥620平方公里资源,南北纵贯40公里,东西横跨24公里。 它位于阿盖尔—比特议会区内,距朱拉岛西南仅几百米——两者被艾雷海峡隔开,位于爱尔兰以北40公里。 海拔491米的贝恩?比格峰是艾雷岛的最高点。 Islay, known as “The Queen of the Hebrides”, is the southernmost island of the Inner Hebrides and the fifth-largest Scottish island, with an area of 620 square kilometres, running about 40 kilometres from north to south, and 24 kilometres from east to west. It lies in Argyll and Bute Council, just a few hundred metres south-west of Jura, separated by the Sound of Islay, and around 40 kilometres north of the Ireland. Islay highest point is Beinn Bheigeir summit with 491 meters. 气候 受墨西哥湾暖流影响,艾雷岛气候温和,夏季平均气温为16℃。然而,尽管岛上雪和霜冻相对罕见,它仍然被来自大西洋时速超150 公里的强风影响着。 艾雷岛年降雨量125厘米,是伦敦的两倍。4月、5月和6月是最干旱的月份,而最潮湿的月份是1月和10月。 人口 该岛行政首府是位于岛中心的波摩,位于洛欣达尔湾的海岸线上。埃伦港是最大的镇,夏洛特港和波特纳黑文是另外两个主要定居点。19世纪初,该岛人口已有约1.8万,如今仅3000多人。 在这里,主要的经济活动是农业、麦芽威士忌蒸馏业和旅游业。 Climate The climate is mild and ameliorated by the Gulf Stream, with average summer temperature of 16°C. However, the island is influenced by strong winds from the Atlantic at speeds of more than 150 km/h, although snow and frosts are relatively rare on the island. Islay receives 125 cm of rain every year, twice more than London. April, May and June are the driest months and January and October are the wettest. Population The island’s capital is Bowmore, located at the heart of the island, on the shore of Loch Indaal. Port Ellen is the biggest town and Port Charlotte and Portnahaven are the other main settlements.The population of the island was around 18,000 at the beginning of the 19th century, but today it is just over 3,000. The main economic activities are agriculture, malt whisky distillation and tourism. 运输 岛上有两个渡口: 埃伦港——可航行到肯纳奎格(位于苏格兰大陆)。 阿斯凯格港——渡运到肯纳奎格(大陆)、奥本(大陆)以及费林(朱拉岛上)。 埃伦港附近还有一个机场,有航班到格拉斯哥、奥本以及科伦赛。 旅游魅力 威士忌显然是艾雷岛旅游业的核心吸引力之一,所有的酒厂都提供参观及试饮。但同时,艾雷岛也是许多鸟类的栖息地,比如越冬种群格陵兰白额雁和白颊黑雁。这里常年是观鸟爱好者们的热门目的地。 以下是岛上其他几个可以造访的地方: 美国人纪念碑——位于艾雷岛西南角的奥之岬,这个纪念碑纪念着在1918年两次海难中失去的几百条生命。 Transport There are two ferry ports on the island: Port Ellen – ferry to Kennacraig (Mainland); Port Askaig – ferry to Kennacraig (Mainland), Oban (Mainland) and Feolin (Island of Jura). There is also a small airport near Port Ellen, with flights to Glasgow, Oban and Colonsay. Attractions Whisky is obviously a key attraction on Islay, with all distilleries offering tours and tastings. But also Islay is home to many bird species such as the wintering populations of Greenland white-fronted and Barnacle goose, and is a popular destination throughout the year for birdwatchers. Here are some other places that you can visit on the island: The American Monument - Located on the Oa in Islay’s south-west corner, the American Monument commemorates the hundreds of lives lost following two shipwrecks in 1918. 鸣沙滩——得名于,当你在这里的沙子上拖动鞋底,沙滩会发出鸣叫声。沙滩位于奥之半岛,就在灯塔后面。 卡里?发达灯塔——独特的灯塔,由华特?费德里克?坎贝尔于1832年为纪念埃莲娜?坎贝尔女士而委托建造,位于埃伦港外。 奇戴顿十字架——公元800年左右建成的一个天主教十字架,高2.65米,宽1.32米。位于奇戴顿老教区教堂内,接近艾雷岛东南角。 菲拉根城堡——近一千年前就在这里,“诸岛领主”统治着艾雷岛。它位于艾雷岛北部的菲拉根湖,涵盖两座岛屿,其中一座通过一条步道与大陆相连。三座建筑的废墟至今仍能看到,而考古学家也曾挖掘出城堡存在过加固建筑、墓园和议事厅的证据。 The Singing Sands Beach — Its name comes from the fact that if you move the soles of your shoes over the sand it will start to sing. The beach is located on the Oa peninsula just behind lighthouse. Carraig Fhada Lighthouse — The unique lighthouse was commissioned to build in 1832 by Walter Frederick Campbell in memory of Lady Ellenor Campbell. The Lighthouse lies just outside of Port Ellen. The Kildalton Cross — A Christian cross erected around 800 AD, which stands 2.65 m high and spans 1.32 m across. The cross is located in the Old Parish Church of Kildalton near the south-east tip of the island. Finlaggan Castle — The site from where, nearly 1000 years ago, the “Lords of the Isles” controlled Islay. It is located on the Loch Finlaggan, on the north of the island. It comprises two islands, one of which is linked to the mainland by a walkway. The ruins of the three buildings are still visible today and archaeological digs uncovered the evidence of fortified buildings, graveyards and a council chamber. 谨将本书献给想加入威士忌世界,或只是想尝尝这种佳酿的人们。 艾雷岛在威士忌行业中的地位相当于中国白酒中的茅台镇。这个只有620平方公里的岛屿上,有威士忌行业内最负盛名的九大蒸馏厂与公司,酒品既有重泥煤风味,也有没有泥煤的清淡风味,包含价值不菲的全球限量款,是爱好品鉴和收藏者心目中的圣地。 ◎由专业人士带您进入泥煤世界,教您地道地品饮艾雷岛威士忌。 ◎本书对极具收藏价值的限量款也做了介绍,收藏者可以按图索骥。 ◎本书为威士忌迷们配备了专业的威士忌品鉴笔记本活页,可拆下来使用。 ◎本书内容有中英文对照,中文译名可能和市面上的略有不同,以英文名为准。