青芒,图书策划人,致力于中国传统文化图书的内容出版,策划出版了《草木有趣 跟着二十四节气过日子》《初相遇 若重逢——小林漫画》《中国最美古诗词》《了不起的故宫》等图书。 Qing Mang, a book publisher, is committed to publishing books on traditional Chinese culture. She has published books such as Pleasant Plants - Life in the Twenty-Four Solar Terms, Meeting Lin’s Comic, and The Great Forbidden City among others.
中国的世界遗产蕴含着中华民族特有的精神价值、人文追求,体现着中华民族旺盛的生命力和创造力,是中国人民勤劳和智慧的结晶,同时也是全人类共同的财富。 The world heritage sites reflect the spirit and wisdom of mankind, and a world in which man and nature, and man and culture live in harmony. Protecting world cultural heritage helps us further understand the unity and diversity of the development of human society, understand and respect the cultural traditions of all countries, regions and ethnic groups, absorb outstanding achievements of civilization, and promote the common development and progress of the world.