崔燕,1969年生于北京。毕业于北京师范大学教育系,研究生学历。师从著名的楼阁山水画家何镜涵先生学习山水,从事美术教育与学前教育三十余载,是一位有着丰富经验的幼儿教育专家和美术教育家。 CUI YAN, born in Beijing in 1963, graduated from Beijing Normal University with a master’s degree in education. She learned traditional Chinese ink-and-wash painting from He Jinghan, a renowned Chinese landscape painter. Cui has undertaken art education and preschool education for over 30 years and is, therefore, incredibly experienced in these fields.
Long, long ago, a creek of spring water ran through a village and under a bridge. Five little carp lived in the creek. They played together every day and lived a happy life. One night, their granny told them a legend about a Dragon’s Gate. “In a faraway place, there is a big mountain. At its peak, there is a tall Dragon’s Gate. It is said that any carp that can leap over the gate will turn into a powerful dragon and protect humankind. Both your grandfather and his grandfather before him tried to jump the gate, but it was too tall and the current, too strong. Nobody succeeded.” 崔燕创作的《小鲤鱼跳龙门》讲述了这么个故事 一天,鲤鱼奶奶给小鲤鱼们讲了这样一个故事:在遥 远的山上有一座龙门,要是有哪条鲤鱼能够跳过龙门 ,就能变成祥龙,像云彩一样地可以游到天上去。听 完故事后五条小鲤鱼向着龙门出发了,他们在路上克 服了各种困难来到了龙门,齐心合力相互帮忙,跳过 了龙门,成为了造福人间的五彩祥龙。