甘智荣,从事烹饪工作多年,专业造诣深厚,精通粤、川、鲁、湘、赣、闽等诸多菜系的烹调,擅长冷热菜制作、食品雕刻、面点工艺,特别是对新派菜品的研发独具天赋,能将当前盛行的刀工技法、调味工艺及烹饪技法完美组合。 Award Winning Chef Gan Zhirong has gained the mastery of different styles of Chinese culinary arts with decades of experience working in some top catering organizations of China. He is proficient in Sichuan, Shandong, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian and other cuisine, preparing exquisite hot and cold dishes, as well as the delicate art of food carving and pastry making.
Soy sauce: do you add it in the beginning or the end? Allowing soy sauce to boil in a wok at a high temperature for long will damage its nutrition and deprive it of all freshness; therefore, it’s better to add soy sauce only when you are ready to serve. Special Tips: Patients who are taking medicine to treat vascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases or tuberculosis should not take too much soy sauce. 《会说话的中国菜》是一本编排手法新颖、权威的菜谱类图书。既有简洁准确的文字说明,又有完全配套的步骤分解图片,还有通过二维码链接的专业操作视频,全方位地展示了中国菜的制作过程和色香味形之美。 Talking Chinese Dishes\\\" is a new and original cookbook, which presents 100 Chinese family dishes through explicit directions step by step, readers can get a more concrete instructions by scanning the QR-code to watch a video where chef Gan Zhirong explains the finer points of each recipe.