
作者: 郑辛遥
出版社: 上海辞书
原售价: 98.00
折扣价: 63.70
折扣购买: 漫有意思——“智慧快餐”漫画逗本(英汉双语)
ISBN: 9787532661329


郑辛遥 中国美术家协会理事 中国美术家协会漫画艺委会副主任 上海市文联副主席 上海市美术家协会主席 上海市文史研究馆馆员 漫画作品曾在比利时、意大利、日本等国举办的国际漫画大赛中获奖。代表作《智慧快餐》系列漫画曾获第八届全国美展优秀奖、第三届上海文学艺术优秀成果奖。四次获上海新闻漫画一等奖。被中国美术家协会为第九至十三届全国美展评委。获上海首届“德艺双文艺工作者”称号,获第九届上海长江韬奋奖。 ZHENG XINYAO Mr Zheng is the current director of China Artists Association, the Deputy Director of Comic Art Committee of China Artists Association, the Vice Chairman of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Chairman of Shanghai Artists Association, and the Librarian of Shanghai Cultural and Historical Research Museum. His comic works won international awards from competitions held in Belgium, Italy, Japan and so forth. His magnum opus of comic series Snacks for Thought won the Award of Excellence at the 8th National Art Exhibition and the Outstanding Achievement in the 3rd Shanghai Literature and Art Awards. For four times, Mr Zheng won the First Prize in Shanghai News Comic Awards. He was appointed as a judge for the 9th to 13th National Art Exhibitions by the China Artists Association. In the inaugural Awards for "Artists of Commendable Virtue and Talent" he was honoured with such a title. He also received the 9th Shanghai Changjiang Taofen Award.


(一) 著名漫画家郑辛遥先生的《漫有意思》是一本什么书?“小中见大、笑中悟道”——中国佛教协会副会长、上海玉佛禅寺住持觉醒法师为此作序称道。 (二)郑辛遥的漫画作品享誉海内外,《智慧快餐》漫画专栏在《新民晚报》夜光杯上连载30余年达1600余幅作品。《漫有意思》精选其中863 幅,是一本实实在在的30年精华集,书小(128开)乾坤大。 (三) 《漫有意思》中的“郑在说”:郑辛遥先生首次用沪语讲述5个自己与漫画不离不弃的故事。扫一扫书里的二维码,音频分普通话、上海话两个版本。 (四)《漫有意思》中还有“十二生肖简笔画”。生肖,中国人特有的“出生证”。郑辛遥笔下的生肖图惟妙惟肖,首次齐全亮相。每个人都能从“逗本”里找到属于你自己的属相。 (五)《漫有意思》全书英汉双语,并开创性地按英文字母顺序编排。如此,从头开始逐页阅读固然不错,却非最佳,随手翻阅或更能有所得。 (六)pu皮软精装,双色精印,玲珑轻便,真正的“口袋书”。