
作者: 高富华
出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 128.00
折扣价: 70.40
折扣购买: 中国人文标识系列:大熊猫,国宝的百年传奇(英)
ISBN: 9787508545707


高富华,四川省芦山县人,四川省作协会员,雅安日报高级记者。著有《大熊猫史话(1869—2019)》、《和平使者熊猫巴斯》、《穿行在大熊猫村庄》等书。其中《巴斯百年“风雨”》入选中国作协2006年度报告文学精选集。 Gao Fuhua, from Lushan County, Sichuan Province, is a member of Sichuan Writers'' Association and a senior reporter of Ya ''an Daily. He is the author of History of the Giant Panda (1869-2019), Basi ,the Peace Messenger Panda, Walking through the Giant Panda Village, and other books. Among them, Bass’ hundred years of wind and rain was selected into the 2006 annual reportage collection of China Writers Association.


它来自800万年前 是自然界珍稀的活化石 它憨头憨脑 是可爱的化身 自带和平的光环