
作者: 华研外语
出版社: 世图出版公司
原售价: 79.80
折扣价: 43.80
折扣购买: 托福阅读100篇
ISBN: 9787519295493


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Passage 1 南极微生物“失踪” Scientists searching for microbes in Antarctica came up with none. What could these findings mean for the possibility of life beyond Earth? Microbes can be invisible to the naked eye, yet they form an integral part of every ecosystem on Earth. From grasslands and deserts to forests and marine habitats, microbes are found all over the planet. Typically, a spoonful of soil can contain billions of microbes. Scientists, led by ecologist Noah Fierer collected 204 soil samples near Antarctica’s Shackleton Glacier. Surprisingly, the samples seemed incapable of hosting life—coming back with no microbes at all. If confirmed, this will be the first time scientists have found soil that doesn’t support any microbial life. What’s more, experts say these conditions bear resemblance to the surface of Mars—giving researchers a look inside the possibility of life (or lack thereof) on the Red Planet. These findings suggest that an extremely cold and arid climate like that of the sample site may be incapable of hosting life. While proving a negative in science is notoriously difficult, this leads to the question—If microbes can’t even survive in this Antarctic climate, what does that mean for life on other planets? After years of experimenting on the Antarctic soil, Fierer’s team felt confident enough to declare they could not detect life in their samples. While other microbiology experts claim this could be a false- negative, even if there are just a few undetected microbes in the soil—there is still evidence that cold and dry climates pose a significant challenge to life. As scientists continue to search for the possibility of aliens, “they will inevitably be forced to walk the line between evidence of absence and absence of evidence.” 《托福阅读》适用对象: 参加托福考试的考生;想了解托福阅读考试题型和难度的考生;想测试目前水平能考到托福多少分的考生;英语基础一般,需要加强阅读应试技巧的考生;直接练真题有难度的考生;需要托福培训教材的老师。 推荐理由: 1. 精选20篇同源阅读,并提供核心词汇、全文翻译和难句解析,帮助记托福常见单词,提高阅读速度; 2. 托福阅读常见的9类句法难点,结合真题实例逐个讲解,教你分析长难句的结构,看懂长难句; 3. 10大题型应试技能和20篇专项训练,稳步提分; 4. 收集了60篇近年来的实考托福阅读真题,考场复现率高,配有全文翻译和详细解析,冲刺高分; 5. 书内扫码,即可观看语法长难句讲解视频。