作者: 中国摄影家协会
出版社: 中国摄影
原售价: 398.00
折扣价: 278.60
折扣购买: 影像见证中国:中外摄影对着拍PHOTOGRAPHIC ECHO
ISBN: 9787517910633




Water Transport of the Past and Present In 1980, French photographer BrunoBarbey shot sailing boats on the HuangpuRiver. On August 14, 2018, Chinesephotographer Qin Zhiyuan photographeda cruise ship on the Huangpu River at theGongping Road ferry in Shanghai. The twoare in sharp contrast: old and new, day andnight, bright and dark, gray and colorful. China is one of the countries withthe earlier development of waterwaytransportation. In 2,500 BC, Chinese beganto build boats. Sailboats were built inthe Shang Dynasty, the result of a greatinvention harnessing the wind. The traditionalChinese character for the word sail,which is composed of \\\\\\\"wind\\\\\\\" and \\\\\\\"horse\\\\\\\",vividly shows that wind power can matchhorsepower. There are some common idiomsand ancient poetry related to sail. In modernChina, there was once a hybrid motor sailboat.Later, with the use of new high-poweredengines, motor sailboats were graduallyreplaced. They are now used in windsurfing. 从对着拍中见证时代,在对着比中认识变化,中国人的衣食住行工商学乐医随着时代都在发生天翻地覆的变化,其中有经济发展的直接表现,亦有政策演变的客观因果。该书为《影像见证中国:中外摄影对着拍》的全英文版。全书除对照展示40对改革开放之初前后的照片和近年的呼应影像外,还通过涉及衣、食、住、行、通讯、教育、商业贸易、居民娱乐等显示改革开放巨大成就的历史回顾性文字展示了中国特色社会主义道路的伟大成功。阅读此书,可从一个个侧面看到改革开放时代的中华人民共和国历史。