儒勒?凡尔纳 (Jules Verne,1828—1905) 19世纪法国著名小说家、剧作家及诗人,代表作有《地心游记》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》等。他的作品对科幻文学流派有着重要的影响,因此被誉为“科幻小说之父”。
第1章 一个神秘的发现 当我回顾一八六三年那个令人兴奋的日子以来发生在我身上的一切时,我很难相信我的冒险经历真实发生过。即便现在,一想起那些神奇的经历,我仍然觉得非常惊讶。 当时我和叔叔冯·哈德威格教授住在一起。对于跟这位精通化学、地质学、矿物学和其他“学”的教授学习,我非常感兴趣。地表之下的一切,我都想尽可能多地去了解。 他邀请我在他的指导下学习。我们住在他的大房子里,那里还住着他的教女——美丽的格雷琴,和他的厨师。 在那个命中注定的早上,我很饿,打算去厨房向我们的厨师玛莎要份早餐。突然,我叔叔冲进房子里,大声喊我的名字。 “哈里!哈里!哈里!马上过来。” 我叔叔是个好人,但是为人严厉,不喜欢一直等着别人。我跑上楼,来到他的书房。他的书房就像一座博物馆,摆满了各种各样的矿石。我曾经亲自给它们编过目录。 他正在研究一本书——一本发黄的旧书。我叔叔喜欢旧书。 “太好了!”他一边盯着那本书,一边不停地感叹。 “叔叔,您刚才找我吗?”我问道。 他说道:“这是斯诺尔·图勒森 的《挪威列王传》,他是十二世纪冰岛的著名作家。这本书真实记录了当时统治冰岛的挪威诸王的故事。” “是用哪种语言写的呢?”我问道。我希望它是德语译本。 “是古代北欧文字手抄本!”我叔叔大声说道,“是地道的冰岛人的语言。” 我叔叔拿起书让我看,这时,一小片古旧的羊皮纸从书里掉了出来。我叔叔抓起那张纸,那纸大概只有五英寸长、三英寸宽,上面有一些奇怪的字体,更加神秘。 那张纸对我而言似乎不算什么,但是我叔叔就那样死死地盯着那张纸。过了一会儿,厨师喊开饭了。 “别管吃饭的事!”我叔叔大声说道。 但是我饿了,赶忙来到餐厅。等了我叔叔几分钟后,我决定开始吃饭。 我刚吃完,就听到叔叔喊我再到他书房去。 “瞧瞧这个!”他说道,把羊皮纸塞到我面前。 “这番话里藏着某个很奇妙的秘密。我必须发现那是什么秘密。坐下,写!”叔叔命令道。我迅速照做了。 “我要把这些古北欧语字母换成我们用的文字。”叔叔说道。 我把二十一个单词的字母都抄下来了。它们对我而言没有任何意义。 mm.rnlls esruel seecJde sgtssmf unteief niedrke kt,samn atrateS Saodrrn emtnaeI nuaect rrilSa Atvaar .nscrc ieaabs ccdrmi eeutul frantu dt,iac oseibo KediiY 我刚抄完,叔叔就从我手中一把抓过那张纸仔细检查起来。 “我想知道这是什么意思。”他说道。 不管怎么看上面的内容,我都没法告诉他其中的意思。 “这就像一则密码文,”他说道,“一个谜语。这本书和羊皮纸是不同的人写的。书比羊皮纸早了两百年。” 我同意他的结论是符合逻辑的。 “肯定是这本书的主人写了这些神秘的文字。”叔叔说道,“但是,他是谁呢?也许书里面有交代。” 冯·哈德威格教授拿出一个超强放大镜细看那本书。书的衬页上有一小团墨迹,时间久远,很难辨认出来。叔叔zui终认出几个字母。 叔叔高兴地喊了出来:“阿尔纳·萨科努塞姆!”他解释道:“这是一位重要且著名的冰岛语教授的名字。也许他把某个惊人的发明藏在羊皮纸上了。” 叔叔转向我:“在我发现这个秘密之前,我们谁都不要吃饭或睡觉。” 我并不喜欢这个主意。我们尝试了很多种语言,努力了好几个小时。叔叔认为,萨科努塞姆用拉丁语写了这些文字。但是我们并没有发现这些字母的排列顺序可以形成任何可读的拉丁语单词。 叔叔尝试用不同的方式来解读这段密码文。他让我写下他试着拼出来的一段话。 mmessunkaSenrA.icefdoK.segnittamurtn ecertserrette, rotaivsadua, ednecsedsadne lacartniiilrJsiratracSarbmutabiledmek meretarcsilucoYsleffenSnI. 我强忍着不笑出声来。我叔叔生气了,他用拳头捶了下桌子,跑到屋外去了,留下我独自面对这些奇怪的文字。 CHAPTER 1 A Mysterious Discovery When I look back at everything that has happened to me since that exciting day in 1863, it is hard for me to believe my adventures were real. It amazes me to think, even now, of how wonderful they were. I was living with my uncle, Professor Von Hardwigg. I was very much interested in learning from him, a professor of chemistry, geology, mineralogy, and more ‘ologies.’ I wanted to learn as much as possible about everything under Earth’s surface. He had invited me to study under him. We lived in his large house where his goddaughter—the beautiful Gretchen—and his cook lived. On that fateful morning, I was hungry and decided to go to the kitchens and ask our cook, Martha, for a meal. Suddenly, my uncle burst into the house, shouting my name. “Harry! Harry! Harry! Come at once.” My uncle was a good man, but stern and not someone to be kept waiting. I ran up the stairs and into his study. It was like a museum with every kind of mineral imagined. I had cataloged them myself. He was studying a book, yellow with age. My uncle loved old books. “Wonderful!” he kept repeating as he stared at the book. “Did you need me, Uncle?” I asked. He said, “It is the Heims-Kringla of Snorre Tarleson, the famous Icelandic author of the twelfth century. It is a true account of the Norwegian princes who ruled Iceland.” “What is the language?” I asked. I hoped it was a German translation. “It is a runic manuscript!” my uncle shouted. “It is the language of the original people of Iceland.” My uncle picked up the book to show me when a small piece of old parchment fell from the book. My uncle grabbed the paper, only about fi ve inches by three inches in size. There were strange looking letters on it, more of the runic. It did not seem important to me, but my uncle could do nothing but stare at the paper. After awhile, the cook called out that dinner was on the table. “Forget dinner!” my uncle shouted. But I was hungry and hurried to the dining room. After waiting for my uncle a few minutes, I decided to eat. Just as I finished, I heard my uncle yelling for me to come to his study again. “Look at this,” he said, shoving the parchment in my face. “There is some wonderful secret in this message. I must discover what it is. Sit down and write,” my uncle ordered. I quickly obeyed. “I will substitute the runic letters with letters from our alphabet,” my uncle said. I wrote the letters of each of the twenty-one words. It made no sense to me. mm.rnlls esruel seecJde sgtssmf unteief niedrke kt,samn atrateS Saodrrn emtnaeI nuaect rrilSa Atvaar .nscrc ieaabs ccdrmi eeutul frantu dt,iac oseibo KediiY I had barely fi nished when my uncle snatched the paper from my hands to examine it. “I should like to know what it means,” he said. No matter how I looked at it, I could not tell him the meaning. “It is like a cryptograph,” he said. “A puzzle. The book and the parchment are written in different hands. The parchment is newer than the book by 200 years.” I agreed that his conclusion was logical. “The owner of the book must have written these mysterious letters,” my uncle said. “But who was he? Maybe it is written in the book.” Professor Von Hardwigg took a powerful magnifying glass and examined the book. A small blot of ink, old and diffi cult to read was on the fl yleaf. My uncle was fi nally able to make out some letters. With a shout of joy, my uncle cried, “Arne Saknussemm!” He explained, “That is the name of an important and famous Icelandic professor. Maybe he has hidden some surprising invention on the parchment.” My uncle turned to me. “Neither of us will eat or sleep until I discover its secret.” I did not like the sound of this. We tried many languages and worked for hours. My uncle believed that Saknussemm had written his message in Latin. But we could find no proper order of the letters that provided any known Latin words. My uncle tried reading the cryptograph in different ways. He asked me to write down one attempt. mmessunkaSenrA.icefdoK.segnittamurtn ecertserrette, rotaivsadua, ednecsedsadne lacartniiilrJsiratracSarbmutabiledmek meretarcsilucoYsleffenSnI. I forced myself not to laugh. My uncle became angry, struck the table with his fi st, and ran out of the house, leaving me alone with the strange lettering. 译林“有声双语经典”原版引进美国教育专家特为学生编写的英语名著,精选贴近中国学生英语习得水平的经典作品。丛书甄选优质中文译本,配以导读、作家作品简介和插图,并聘请资深高考听力卷主播朗读英语有声书。有声书播放平台操作便捷,只需扫描书中二维码,即可收听、下载。丛书选目涵盖各国经典文学作品,让孩子在阅读中提高文学鉴赏能力和英语听读能力。著名儿童文学作家黄蓓佳长文导读推荐。 《地心游记》是“现代科学幻想小说之父”凡尔纳的代表作,是公认的科幻小说经典。全书情节跌宕、文笔幽默,详细地描绘了探险奇遇,并为我们展示了冰岛风光和地下的奇观。凡尔纳巧妙地将幻想与科学结合,不但能使人们从中获取丰富的科学知识,更能激发人们尤其是青少年热爱科学、向往探险的热情。