居易,长期从事城市文化、环境文化、旅游文化的理论研究与运作策划;对中国园林的历史文化、规划设计、品评鉴赏及其相关的建筑、家具、文玩、花木叠石等尤为癖好,痴古迷今,多有杂述。苏州科技学院教授、教育与环境研究中心主任,兼任国家职业资格审定公关专业委员会副主任、北京现代城市形象研究所所长、重庆城市形象顾问、苏州政府咨询团专家等职,长期从事企业咨询、市场营销和城市形象的研究和策划。 马亮、李超逸、胡绍宜均为苏州职业大学石湖智库研究员。
The Craft of Gardens and On Chinese Gardens have all the makings of classics. Though they have two different themes, their contents are firmly integrated with each other, even closely linked together. Perhaps it is because of the mutual connection and internal relation that makes it possible for us to see today, the coexistence of The Craft of Gardens and On Chinese Gardens . As for whether On Chinese Gardens is the successor The Craft of Gardens or The Craft of Gardens is inspired On Chinese Gardens , it is impossible for us to know now. Maybe only these two authors can answer the question from heaven high above. However,after having understood the past and present of The Craft of Gardens , and having studied the theoretical system of On Chinese Gardens , there is one thing that can be determined, i.e. Without The Craft of Gardens , there might not be the birth of On Chinese Gardens now. Without On Chinese Gardens , perhaps there would not be the rebirth of The Craft of Gardens . 《园冶》是中国造园学第一部系统研究的专著;《说园》提出了中国园林的整体文化品位;二、作者的阐释深入浅出,言简意赅;三、坚持用园林哲学视觉和人文情怀。