出版社: 北京联合
原售价: 16.00
折扣价: 10.10
折扣购买: 斯坦利大变身(英汉对照)/纸片人斯坦利经典
ISBN: 9787559603883
[美]杰夫·布朗(Jeff Brown) :备受喜爱的儿童文学形象“纸片人斯 坦利”的创作者。“斯坦利”的灵感来自 杰夫·布朗为自己的儿子所讲的睡前故事。 《纸片人斯坦利》一经推出,便受到全世 界师生们的喜爱,他们更以此为基础创造 出丰富多彩的教学活动,最知名的就是“纸 片人斯坦利计划”(Flat Stanley Project)。 杰夫·布朗出生于美国纽约市,长期在好莱坞担任故事编辑。 曾任《纽约客》《星期六晚邮报》的编辑。 2003 年 12 月 3 日逝世。 [菲律宾]麦基·帕米顿(Macky Pamintuan) 杰出艺术家。在菲律宾长大,现与 妻子 Aymone、女儿Alison以及一只名叫 Winter 的西高地白梗犬生活在菲律宾。
早餐做好了。 “我去叫孩子们起床。”扬派派太太跟丈夫乔治?扬派派说道。就在这时,他们的小儿子,跟哥哥斯坦利同住一屋的亚瑟在卧室里大喊起来。 “嘿!快来看啊!嘿!” 扬派派夫妇都是很讲究举止、注重谈吐的人。“对人说话不许用‘嘿’,没礼貌。”扬派派先生跟太太一进卧室就说道,“好好记住。” “不好意思,”亚瑟说,“不过你们快看!” 他伸手指向斯坦利的床,只见一块巨大的布告板横跨床上——这是扬派派先生去年圣诞送给孩子们的,好让他们用来钉照片、便笺和地图。谁知布告板昨天夜里砸了下来,正压在斯坦利身上。不过斯坦利却毫发无损。其实,要不是被弟弟的嚷嚷吵醒,他这会儿还在呼呼大睡呢。“出什么事儿了?”他在布告板下快活地问道。扬派派夫妇连忙上前把布告板抬起来。 “我的天哪!”扬派派太太叫道。 “哎哟!”亚瑟说,“斯坦利被压扁了!” “就像煎饼一样,”扬派派先生说道,“从来没见过这么不可思议的事。” “大家先吃早餐吧,”扬派派太太说,“吃完我就带斯坦利去看看丹医生,听听他怎么说。”丹医生在他的诊所里把斯坦利上上下下检查了个遍。 “你感觉怎么样?”他问道,“很疼吗?”“刚起床的时候感觉痒痒的,”斯坦利说,“不过现在好了。”“好吧,疑难杂症从来如此。”丹医生说道。“我们就多留意一下这个小家伙吧,”他检查完毕后说,“我们当医生的,虽然训练有素,经验丰富,有时候也不得不惊叹,我们知道的实在太有限了。”扬派派太太说,这下得找个裁缝给斯坦利改改衣服了,于是丹医生让护士给斯坦利量了一下尺寸。扬派派太太把数据记了下来。斯坦利身高一米二,肩宽三十厘米,不到十三毫米厚。 斯坦利习惯了自己的扁平身材之后,其实还挺乐在其中,比如,他可以随意进出房间,哪怕房门关着,因为他只要躺下来,从门缝溜进去即可。扬派派夫妇觉得这样太胡闹了,不过他们很为他感到骄傲。亚瑟有点嫉妒,他试着从门缝里过,结果把脑袋给撞了。 斯坦利发现身材扁平有时候还能帮上忙。 有天下午,他跟妈妈一起散步,突然,扬派派太太心爱的戒指从手指滑落。戒指沿着人行道一直滚,最后掉进了有铁栏护着的下水道沙井里。扬派派太太哭了起来。 “我有办法。”斯坦利说道。 他把自己的两根鞋带解下来,又从兜里掏出两根,然后把鞋带首尾相接,系成一根长绳子。他把一头拴在自己的皮带上,把另一头交给妈妈。 “放我下去,”他说道,“我去找戒指。” “谢谢你,斯坦利。”扬派派太太说道。她透过铁栏把斯坦利降下去,小心翼翼地上上下下、前前后后地拖着他,好让他能找遍整个沙井底部。 这时,两名警察路过,盯着扬派派太太看。 只见她站在那里,拎着一根绳子,绳子另一头在沙井铁栏下面。她假装没看见他们俩。 “这位女士,请问出什么事了吗?”其中一名警察问道,“你的悠悠球卡住了?” “我没在玩悠悠球!”扬派派太太厉声说,“你要是非打听不可的话,我就告诉你,我儿子在绳子另一头。”“哈利,快去拿网子,”另一名警察说道,“我们抓到了个疯婆子!”就在这时,沙井里传出斯坦利的叫声:“耶!”扬派派太太把他拉出来,只见他手里拿着戒指。“斯坦利,你真棒。”说完,她转过身,怒气冲冲地面对警察。“好一个‘疯婆子’!”她说道,“真丢脸!” 两名警察道歉说:“这位女士,我们没搞清状况。刚才是一时鲁莽,现在明白了。” “没礼貌的话,说之前要三思,”扬派派太太说道,“想清楚了也就不会说了。” 警察觉得言之有理,表示会用心记住。 …… Breakfast was ready. “I will go wake the boys,” Mrs. Lambchop said to her husband, George Lambchop. Just then their younger son, Arthur, called from the bedroom he shared with his brother, Stanley. “Hey! Come and look! Hey!” Mr. and Mrs. Lambchop were both very much in favor of politeness and careful speech. “Hay is for horses, Arthur, not people,” Mr. Lambchop said as they entered the bedroom. “Try to remember that.” “Excuse me,” Arthur said. “But look!” He pointed to Stanley’s bed. Across it lay the enormous bulletin board that Mr. Lambchop had given the boys a Christmas ago so that they could pin up pictures and messages and maps. It had fallen, during the night, on top of Stanley. But Stanley was not hurt. In fact, he would still have been sleeping if he had not been woken by his brother’s shout. “What’s going on here?” he called out cheerfully from beneath the enormous board. Mr. and Mrs. Lambchop hurried to lift it from the bed. “Heavens!” said Mrs. Lambchop. “Gosh!” said Arthur. “Stanley’s flat!” “As a pancake,” said Mr. Lambchop. “Darndest thing I’ve ever seen.” “Let’s all have breakfast,” Mrs. Lambchop said. “Then Stanley and I will go see Dr. Dan and hear what he has to say.” In his office, Dr. Dan examined Stanley all over. “How do you feel?” he asked. “Does it hurt very much?” “I felt sort of tickly for a while after I got up,” Stanley Lambchop said, “but I feel fine now.” “Well, that’s mostly how it is with these cases,” said Dr. Dan. “We’ll just have to keep an eye on this young fellow,” he said when he had finished the examination. “Sometimes we doctors, despite all our years of training and experience, can only marvel at how little we really know.” Mrs. Lambchop said she thought Stanley’s clothes would have to be altered by the tailor now, so Dr. Dan told his nurse to take Stanley’s measurements. Mrs. Lambchop wrote them down. Stanley was four feet tall, about a foot wide, and half an inch thick. When Stanley got used to being flat, he enjoyed it. He could go in and out of rooms, even when the door was closed, just by lying down and sliding through the crack at the bottom. Mr. and Mrs. Lambchop said it was silly, but they were quite proud of him. Arthur got jealous and tried to slide under a door, but he just banged his head. Being flat could also be helpful, Stanley found. He was taking a walk with Mrs. Lambchop one afternoon when her favorite ring fell from her finger. The ring rolled across the sidewalk and down between the bars of a grating that covered a deep, dark shaft. Mrs. Lambchop began to cry. “I have an idea,” Stanley said. He took the laces out of his shoes and an extra pair out of his pocket and tied them all together to make one long lace. Then he tied one end of that to the back of his belt and gave the other end to his mother. “Lower me,” he said, “and I will look for the ring.” “Thank you, Stanley,” Mrs. Lamb chop said. She lowered him between the bars and moved him carefully up and down and from side to side, so that he could search the whole floor of the shaft. Two policemen came by and stared at Mrs. Lambchop as she stood holding the long lace that ran down through the grating. She pretended not to notice them. “What’s the matter, lady?” the first policeman asked. “Is your yoyo stuck?” “I am not playing with a yoyo!” Mrs. Lambchop said sharply. “My son is at the other end of this lace, if you must know.” …… 家喻户晓的童书经典!全球88个国家和地区列入学校课程!双语经典对照阅读!