耿 娟 女,1978年出生,海南师范大学国际教育学院院长、教授、硕导、海南省拔尖人才,教师中外人文交流基地负责人、省教育国际交流协会副秘书长。研究方向为翻译、跨文化交际、国际中文教育。主持中国华文教育基金会等省部级以上项目6项,发表学术论文20余篇,出版专著2部译著2部,获海南省社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖。多次以访问学者身份出访美、英、俄等国高校。
人月圆 卜居外家东园 元好问重冈已隔红尘断, 村落更年丰。 移居要就, 窗中远岫, 舍后长松。 十年种木, 一年种谷, 都付儿童。 老夫惟有, 醒来明月, 醉后清风。 品读 这首小令,先描述自己“卜居外家”后远离城市,与山林为伴的生活,后则直接叙写在新环境中的平民生活。虽然由于作者年事已高,体力不济,致使“十年种木,一年种谷,都付儿童”,但是却充满着一种心理上的满足,一种与“明月”“清风”相处的和谐与美感。字里行间,蕴含着对当朝统治者的不满情绪,可谓绵里藏针。在写作手法上,对偶工整,骈散结合,节奏铿锵,毫不板滞。 Tune:Man and Moon Moving to My Mothers East Garden Yuan HaowenHill on hill keeps apart the vanity of the world, From this village of a good harvest year I move to come near From window you can see the distant hill, And behind the windowsill the pine-trees Ill leave the trees and fields To the hands of my kins So that, I can do what I will Ill enjoy the moon so bright after awakening, And the refreshing breeze so gentle after drinking Literary Appreciation This song poem first describes the life the speaker led, residing amidst mountains, after moving from the city to the home of the speakers mother, and then directly narrates the civilian life within this new environmentDespite the speakers old age and physical weakness, which leads to “Ill leave the trees and fields to the hands of my kins”, they achieved a profound sense of psychological satisfaction, with harmonious and aesthetic appreciation for the “bright moon” and the “gentle breeze” Implicit in the lines is a sense of discontent towards the ruler of their current dynasty, akin to an iron fist in a velvet glove In terms of writing techniques, the writer skillfully utilized antithesis and combined parallel prose and free prose, giving the song poem a sonorous rhythm 干荷叶 刘秉忠干荷叶, 色苍苍, 老柄风摇荡。 减了清香, 越添黄。 都因昨夜一场霜, 寂寞在秋江上。 品读 这是刘秉忠小令《干荷叶》八首中传诵最广最具代表性的一首。作品开门见山,起头便点出“干荷叶”,并描绘其色彩的浅淡和只剩一“老柄”时的凄凉孤单,接着抒发干荷叶因遭严霜而枯槁寂寞的情景。通篇字数不多,却流畅自然,极富民歌气息。细加品读,似乎在咏物中暗寓着一种失意和潦倒,显得别具韵味。 Tune:Dried Lotus Leaves Liu BingzhongLotus leaves dried Their color turned from green to withered and yellow Their old stems swayed in the wind Because of the yellow dye, they lost fragrance Frost last night chilled their dream Now they look lonely on the autumn stream Literary Appreciation This is the most representative song poem among the total eightDried Lotus Leaves by Liu Bingzhong This work comes straight to the point, beginning with the “dried lotus leaves”, depicting their colors and the sense of desolation and solitude when only one “old stem” remains Then, it portrays a solitary scene of the withered lotus leaves because of the harsh frost Although concise, this work is smooth and natural, replete with the essence of folk songs Upon closer review, it becomes evident that the passage conveys a hidden meaning that suggests both frustration and confusion, which is a combination of emotions with unique charm 节节高 题洞庭鹿角庙壁 卢挚雨晴云散, 满江明月。 风微浪息, 扁舟一叶。 半夜心, 三生梦, 万里别, 闷倚篷窗睡些。 品读 洞庭鹿角庙,未详。这首小令,前四句分别描写雨云、江月、风浪、扁舟之景,展现出一片安详宁静气象,反映出作者生活的平静舒适和内心的安然和谐。后四句则写作者的情绪低沉和清闲无聊。以“半夜心”“三生梦”“万里别”连续突出心理的孤寂,一个“闷倚篷窗睡些”的动作加上无奈的语调,顿使环境冷漠凄清,人物孤苦孑立、形影相吊,生动而深刻地抒发出当时生活于社会底层的知识分子的空虚和苦闷。景虽简淡,情却深长。 Tune:Higher and Higher Written on the wall of Lujiao Temple on Lake Dongting Lu ZhiThe clouds clear away after the rain, The moon cast a bright light over the lake The waves are calm when the wind is light, And a leaf boat is seen at midnight From the bottom of my heart, Of my past life I dream To a distant land I’ll go, Dispirited in the lonesome boat, I’ll rest a slumber brief Literary Appreciation Lujiao Temple on the Dongting Lake, undetailed The first four sentences of this song poem each describes the imagery of rain and clouds, water and moon, winds and waves, and boats, conveying a serene and tranquil ambiance, reflecting the speaker’s calm and comfortable life, as well as their inner peace and harmony Meanwhile, the latter four sentences show a tone characterized by feelings of sadness and languor The theme of psychological loneliness is consistently highlighted through phrases such as “the bottom of my heart,” “past life I dream,” and “to a distant land I’ll go” The action of the speaker, who is described as being “dispirited in the lonesome boat” and taking “a slumber brief,” contributes to the overall sense of helplessness, creating a cold and desolate environment, in which the speaker stood alone This work vividly and profoundly expresses the emptiness and depression experienced by intellectuals living at the lower echelons of society during that era Despite the simplicity of the scenary described, it has a profound and long-lasting emotional impact