(套装)中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶
Patricia Ackert Linda Lee Eric Hawkins Jessica Beck 1 Reading and Vocabulary Development FACTS AND FIGURES RVD SB1 FM.indd 2 2021/12/22 15:23:05 出版说明 《中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1~3》是一套英语阅读和词汇训练丛书。它围绕丰富有趣的阅读材料 展开,以提高学生的英语阅读理解能力、稳步扩大词汇量为核心,兼顾语法、听说、写作和思维的发展。 2002 年,我社原版引进 Reading and Vocabulary Development,推出《中学生百科英语》,自面世以 来畅销至今。接着我们又推出拓展系列——《中学生百科英语 延伸阅读》,受到全国各地教师和学生的 一致好评。此次,我们特别引进出版的《中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1~3》是 Reading and Vocabulary Development 最新升级的第四版,阅读文章与时俱进,配套材料更加齐全,既可以用于课堂教学,又是很好 的课外辅导助手。 《中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶》是一套系列丛书,按照难度由低到高分 1、2、3 三级。本册《中学生 英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1》难度最低,可供初一学生使用。如果从低级到高级连续使用,学习效果会更好。 《中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1》有教材和配套练习册,教材体例结构设置科学、合理,配套练习 册用于课外巩固所学单词和语法,拓展相关主题的阅读。作为学校课堂使用的教材,我们为教师提供了配 套的教学课件和教师教学用书,扫描下方二维码即可获取。考虑到课堂使用需要,本书答案以电子版的方 式提供。本书阅读材料均有原汁原味的英文朗读音频,扫描本页下方或者书中阅读材料右方的二维码均可 获取。 扫一扫 获取音频文件 扫一扫 获取参考答案 扫一扫 获取教学课件 扫一扫 获取教师教学用书 祝愿使用本套图书的读者都能在英语学习道路上越走越顺利。越努力,越幸运! 出版说明 I RVD SB1 FM.indd 1 2021/12/22 15:23:07 《中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1》旨在提高学生的英语阅读、词汇、语法、写作、听说等综合能力。 指导思想 . 主题式阅读 全书共 8 个单元,每个单元深入探讨一个主题,如动物、植物、旅游、职业等,围绕主题拓展词汇、 讲解语法。 . 系统的词汇复现 英语学习者的主要任务之一是构建一个常用的基础词库。本书每课重点呈现约 10 个单词,用红色标注。 生词在课文中多次系统地复现。 . 深入的语法讲解 从一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时等简单语法时态开始讲起,逐渐涉及主语、宾语、所有格和 反身代词等语法知识。 体例结构 本书共分 8 个单元,每个单元有 3 课,含有大量的练习和活动。 课程设置有以下内容。 . 课前预习(Warm Up) A 问题导入(Before Reading)。阅读前的问题,调动学生思维活动,激发学生阅读兴趣。 B“望文生义”(Context Clues)。词汇预习,让学生回忆或猜测本课阅读中新单词的含义。 . 课文阅读(Reading) A阅读技巧(Reading Skill)。阅读过程中读者可使用的技巧和方法,包括略读、浏览、上下文推断等。 B 正文阅读(Main Text)。与主题相关的阅读材料,标红处为新词汇。扫描课文前的二维码可听原 汁原味的朗读音频。 . 阅读理解(Comprehension) 根据阅读的课文内容完成题目,考察读者对文章主旨和内容细节的理解程度。 A 主旨大意(Main Idea)。选择课文的主旨大意。 B 回答问题(Short Answer Questions)。根据课文内容回答问题。 C 选择判断(Multiple Choice Questions)。根据课文内容选择正确答案。 本书使用说明 II 中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1 RVD SB1 FM.indd 2 2021/12/22 15:23:07 . 词汇(Vocabulary) 巩固本课新词和重点词汇。 A 单词释义(Word Definitions)。将本课新词和其释义连线,可通过查词典、上下文推断等完成。 B 学以致用(New Context)。选词填空,将课文中新学的单词填入新的句子语境中。 C 巧记单词(Fun with Words)。通过同义词、反义词、词根、前缀和后缀等方法讲解新词。 . 语法(Grammar) 对重点语法知识,如单词形式、代词、拼写规则等进行讲解和练习,重点突出,结构性强。 . 批判性思考(Critical Thinking) 思考 5 个与单元主题相关的问题。口语提示(Speaking Hint)涉及英文发音和会话的技巧。 . 事实和数据(Facts & Figures) 家庭作业,鼓励学生围绕课堂主题进行深入探究。 . 词汇复习(Vocabulary Review) 每两个单元一复习,帮助学生练习使用新词汇和新技能。 . 词典训练(Dictionary Work) 帮助学生练习查字典的技能。 本书使用说明 III RVD SB1 FM.indd 3 2021/12/22 15:23:07 Scope and Sequence Unit Lesson Page Vocabulary Area Grammar Activities Reading Skills Speaking Hint 1 The Animal Kingdom 1. An Australian Surprise: The Koala Bear 2 Animals and Numbers Subject-verb Agreement Identifying Referencing with Pronouns Giving Examples 2. The Cold Swimmer 8 Weather and the Arctic Possessive Pronouns Scanning for Places Giving Reasons 3. The Dolphin 14 Sea Life and Communication Conjunction: but Guessing Meaning from Context Contractions 2 Human Behavior 1. Why Do We Yawn? 22 Feelings and Movement Do / Does Scanning for Repetitive Vocabulary Listing 2. Happy Medicine 28 Good Times and Relaxation Relative Pronoun: that Skimming for the Main Idea of a Paragraph Introducing Opinions 3. Dream a Little Dream 34 Sleeping and Dreaming There is / There are Predicting Sequencing Review Units 1&2 40 Multiple Choice; Word Definitions; Learning Word Forms 3 Agricultural History 1. Bamboo 44 Past and Present Past Simple Tense Skimming for Identifying Topic Sentences Speculating 2. The Everyman Food 50 Countries and Continents Place Names Scanning for Continent Names Giving Reasons 3. Super Foods 56 Food and Health Verb + Infinitive / Gerund Skimming to Recognize Text Organization Sound Like a Native Speaker 4 The Sound of Music 1. History of the Ukulele 64 Popular Music Prepositions of Time Scanning for Numbers Responding to Opinions 2. Old Time Rock ’n’ Roll 70 Musical Performers and Recordings Adverbs (-ly) Scanning for Continent Names Clarification 3. Making Music: The Synthesizer 76 Hip-hop and Dance Past Simple Tense (Irregular Verbs) Recognizing a Sequence of Events Intonation Review Units 3&4 82 Sentence Completion; Past Simple Tense; Choosing the Correct Definition IV 中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1 RVD SB1 FM.indd 4 2021/12/22 15:23:08 Unit Lesson Page Vocabulary Area Grammar Activities Reading Skills Speaking Hint 5 Work 1. The World of Work: Future Jobs 86 Jobs and Travel Conjunction: so Scanning for Names Sentence Stress 2. A Reason for Working 92 Jobs and Work Benefits Superlatives Identifying Definitions of Words Phonetics 3. Future Work: The Virtual Office 98 Schedules and Salaries Present Continuous Tense Skimming for Main Ideas Past Tense Endings 6 Leisure Activities 1. Reaching New Heights: Rock Climbing 106 Bicycles and Cityscapes Modal Verbs Skimming for the Main Idea of a Paragraph Time to Think 2. Playing Online 112 Online Games and the Internet Plural Nouns Skimming for Paragraph Topics Final s Sounds 3. Cosplay 118 Anime and Costumes Phrasal Verbs Scanning for Details Word Stress with Prefixes and Suffixes Review Units 5&6 124 Word Choice; Paragraph Completion; Vocabulary Development 7 Native Cultures 1. A Watery Thai New Year 128 Celebrations Prepositions of Place: in, at and on Guessing Meaning from Context Long Vowel Sounds 2. The Ainu Live On 134 Appearance and Ways of Life Compound Nouns Skimming and Scanning for Supporting Details Stress in Compound Words 3. The Maori 140 Culture and Occasions Adjective/Noun Collocations Scanning for Numbers Reduced Sounds 8 Incredible Journeys 1. Extreme Running: Kílian Jornet 148 Difficult and Special Journeys Relative Pronoun: which Scanning for Synonyms Adding Details 2. A Gift with a Long Neck 154 Leadership and Gifts Verb/Noun Collocations Scanning for Facts QuestioTags 3. A Lone Journey 160 Communication and Equipment Reflexive Pronouns Scanning for Facts and Numbers Question Intonation with Auxiliary Verbs Review Units 7&8 166 Word Choice; Word Forms; Finding Synonyms and Antonyms Vocabulary List 168 Irregular Verbs 172 Scope and Sequence V RVD SB1 FM.indd 5 2021/12/22 15:23:08 The Animal Kingdom RVD SB1 UNIT 1.indd 6 2021/12/21 14:24:54 1 Lesson 1 An Australian Surprise: The Koala Bear Lesson 2 The Cold Swimmer Lesson 3 The Dolphin UNIT 1 RVD SB1 UNIT 1.indd 1 2021/12/21 14:25:00 An Australian Surprise: The Koala Bear 1 LESSON Learning Objectives . To understand what pronouns mean in a text . To understand and use new vocabulary related to describing animals and numbers . To understand subject-verb agreement in number A Before Reading Look at the questions and choose the best answer. 1 Koala bears live . a. in the water b. in houses c. in trees d. under trees 2 Koala bears eat . a. meat b. noodles c. leaves d. fish 3 Koala bears are . a. fast b. not smart c. very big d. friendly B Context Clues For each sentence, circle the answer that means the same as the word in bold. Do not use your dictionary. The bold words are new in this lesson. 1 There are 20 books. Half of them are new. The other 10 books are old. a. 20 b. 10% c. 1/2 d. 100% 2 The Japanese visitors are going to the zoo today. They will go back to Japan tomorrow. a. people here for a short time b. people living here c. people from Asia d. animals 3 The cup is empty. There is no more water in it. a. having a lot b. having nothing c. broken d. thirsty WARM UP 2 中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1 RVD SB1 UNIT 1.indd 2 2021/12/21 14:25:02 READING Reading Skill: Identifying Referencing with Pronouns Pronouns are important in reading and writing. They take the place of a noun. Pronouns can be subjects or objects of a sentence. Readers must understand what the pronoun means so they understand the meaning of the sentence. Find the highlighted pronouns in the text. Write the nouns that they take the place of. 1 it: 2 these: 3 it: 4 they: Main Text The koala bear is a very y cute animal. It has a big head and a round nose. Koala bears are not big animals. They weigh from 4 to 15 kilograms (9-33 pounds). Their back fur is gray or brown. Their belly fur is white. They also have five fingers like people. These help them go up trees. All koala bears live in the east of Australia. People outside of Australia call them koala bears. Australians just say koalas. Koalas look like teddy bears. People from all over the world love koalas. In 2007, over half of the visitors to Australia went to see koalas. There is one very surprising thing about koalas. They are not bears! They are marsupials, or animals with a bag on their belly. Koalas carry their babies in their belly bags for six months. Then the baby gets out of the bag. The mother koala carries it on her back for another six months. Another surprising thing is that koalas are not very smart. They sleep for 18 hours every day. They are awake at night. Most of the night they are eating. They live in eucalyptus trees. Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves for food. They eat almost one kilogram (2.5 pounds) of leaves a day. They keep more leaves in their cheeks to eat later. They do not drink much water. The water they need comes from leaves. They do not like to get down from their trees. They like to have many empty trees around them. Many people also do not know the number of koalas is falling now. People are cutting down the trees. The koalas do not have enough space to live. Cities are growing. People are building more houses. They are also cutting down trees to make money. Australians and people around the world are worried about the koala. the koala bear 1 5 10 15 20 Unit 1 3 The Animal Kingdom RVD SB1 UNIT 1.indd 3 2021/12/21 14:25:04 COMPREHENSION A Main Idea Which is the main idea of the text? a. People are building houses for koalas. b. Australians are worried about koalas. c. People like koalas, but they do not know some things about the animals. B Short Answer Questions Answer the questions using information from the text. 1 What color(s) is a koala? 2 What is a marsupial? 3 How long does the baby koala stay with the mother koala? 4 When do koalas wake up? 5 What do koalas like around them? C Multiple Choice Questions Circle the best answer. 1 Koala bears are not . a. happy b. furry c. big d. cute 2 Koalas have five fingers like . a. all Australian animals b. people c. trees d. bears 3 Australians call these animals . a. koalas b. koala bears c. bears d. Australian bears 4 More than 50% of went to see koalas in 2007. a. visitors b. bears c. Australians d. people all over the world 5 Koala babies spend the first six months . a. eating leaves b. in their mom’s belly bag c. sleeping d. on their mom’s back 6 Koala bears eat . a. almost one kilogram every day b. for 18 hours a day c. from other bears’ cheeks d. during the day 4 中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1 RVD SB1 UNIT 1.indd 4 2021/12/21 14:25:04 VOCABULARY A Word Definitions Match each word with the correct definition. 1 gray 2 belly 3 fingers 4 half 5 visitor 6 surprise 7 cheeks 8 empty 9 fall 10 space a. 50% b. something a person did not know before c. color between black and white d. having nothing e. go down f. long things on hands g. person in a place for a short time h. the sides of the face i. room; area j. stomach; tummy B New Context Read and complete the sentences using words from the box. gray belly fingers half visitors cheeks empty fall 1 Downtown is a good place for . They can see many people, restaurants and other interesting things. 2 Eating old food is bad for the . 3 Only of the windows are clean. Someone should clean the other windows. 4 The sky is today. It is going to rain soon. 5 In September, the leaves from the trees. 6 The school is . All of the students are at home. 7 Long are good for playing the piano. 8 Too much time in the sun gives people red . Unit 1 5 The Animal Kingdom RVD SB1 UNIT 1.indd 5 2021/12/21 14:25:05 C Fun with Words Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Knowing antonyms gives readers more vocabulary. Knowing antonyms also helps readers understand how words are connected. Examples: white / black up / down Match the words from the reading with their antonyms. 1 big 2 round 3 back 4 go up 5 east 6 smart 7 sleep 8 empty a. small b. go down c. square d. stupid e. front f. full g. wake up h. west GRAMMAR Subject-verb Agreement The verb must agree with the noun before it. The noun is the subject. The noun and verb must agree in two ways: time (past, present, future) and number (singular, plural). Examples: Koala bears ( are / is / am ) from Australia. A mother koala ( carry / carries / carrying ) her baby. Circle the correct verb and rewrite the sentence. 1 People (live / lives / living) all over the world now. 2 The teacher (have / has / having) a lot of students. 3 All of the trees (have / having / has) red leaves now. 4 Many animals only (eat / eating / eats) plants. They do not eat any meat. 5 The baby and the mom always (live / living / lives) in the tree. People live all over the world now. 6 中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1 RVD SB1 UNIT 1.indd 6 2021/12/21 14:25:06 Two of the strangest animals in the world are the glass frog and the alpaca. The glass frog.s abdominal skin becomes as transparent as glass when the background colour becomes light yellow-green. The alpaca looks like a sheep but has a long neck like a giraffe. Do some research and complete the table. CRITICAL THINKING Ask and answer the following questions. 1 Why do you think people like koalas so much? 2 What is happening that is making it difficult for koalas to survive in Australia? 3 Why is it important that animals like koalas survive? 4 Why do you think koalas spend most of their lives in trees? 5 What should people do to help koalas survive? Food Color Country Green Venezuela Glass Frog Grass and plants 52 different colors (in Peru) Alpaca Giving Examples: Use these phrases before you give examples. For example, . . . / For instance, … / Like, . . . I love animals. For example, I have two dogs and three cats at home. Speaking Hint: FACTS & FIGURES Unit 1 7 The Animal Kingdom RVD SB1 UNIT 1.indd 7 2021/12/21 14:25:11 Learning Objectives . To use scanning skills to find names of places . To understand and use new vocabulary related to the weather and the Arctic . To practice using possessive pronouns The Cold 2 Swimmer LESSON A Before Reading Look at the questions and choose the best answer. 1 How many countries have land inside the Arctic Circle? a. Six. b. One. c. Three. d. Eight. 2 Which country has land nearest to the North Pole? a. Greenland. b. Canada. c. Russia. d. The Arctic Circle. 3 What do polar bears eat? a. Penguins. b. Fish. c. Snow. d. Turtles. B Context Clues For each sentence, circle the answer that means the same as the word in bold. Do not use your dictionary. The bold words are new in this lesson. 1 My friend is not very big. Her weight is only thirty-eight kilograms. a. tallness b. smallness c. largeness d. heaviness 2 The panda bear has a black and white coat. a. fur b. color c. eyes d. tail 3 I am afraid of dogs because some bite you. A bite hurts a lot! a. angry b. scared c. painful d. hungry WARM UP 8 中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1 RVD SB1 UNIT 1.indd 8 2021/12/21 14:25:12 READING Reading Skill: Scanning for Places Scanning is looking for something specific in a text. Use your finger or your pen to follow the lines backward and forward to look for names, numbers or other specific information. Scanning helps to find specific information quickly when looking at things like schedules and lists. Scan the text and answer the following questions. 1 How many times do you see the phrase North Pole in the text? 2 How many times does the phrase Arctic Circle appear? 3 Scan and write down all the other places found in the text. Main Text The polar bear is a very big white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives inside the Arctic Circle. The Arctic Circle is near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the South Pole. The polar bear lives in a place with snow and ice. At the North Pole, there is only snow, ice, and water. There is no land. People cannot see the polar bear in the snow very well because its coat is yellow-white. It has a very warm coat because the weather is very cold north of the Arctic Circle. Interestingly, its skin is black. Polar bears also have a lot of fat under their skin. The coat, black skin, and fat help keep the bear warm. This bear is three meters long, and it can grow to be about 450 kilograms in weight. It can stand up on its back legs because it has very wide feet. Polar bears use their front legs like arms. The polar bear can swim very well. It can swim 120 kilometers out into the water. The longest a polar bear swam was 354 kilometers (220 miles). It catches fish and other sea animals for food. It also goes into the sea when it is afraid. Polar bears sometimes fight brown bears. The oldest polar bear was 32 years old. Most polar bears die before they are 25 years old. Like the panda, some people want to kill the polar bear. They want its beautiful white coat. Some people also eat the meat. Other people use the fat for cooking. The government of Norway says that no one can kill polar bears now. Many other countries say the same thing. They do not want all these beautiful animals to die. 1 5 10 15 Unit 1 9 The Animal Kingdom RVD SB1 UNIT 1.indd 9 2021/12/21 14:25:13 COMPREHENSION A Main Idea Which is the main idea of the text? a. People like to kill polar bears because they have beautiful yellow-white coats. b. Animals live north of the Arctic Circle in the snow, where they eat fish and other sea animals. c. Yellow-white coated polar bears live in the Arctic Circle and eat fish and sea animals. B Short Answer Questions Answer the questions using information from the text. 1 Why do we call the big white bear the polar bear? 2 Why can’t people see the polar bear very well? 3 Why does the polar bear have a warm coat? 4 Where does the polar bear go when it is afraid? 5 Why do some people want to kill the polar bear? C Multiple Choice Questions Circle the best answer. 1 The polar bear lives . a. at the South Pole b. in warm countries c. near the North Pole d. on land only 2 At the North Pole, there is no . a. ice b. snow c. water d. land 3 People cannot see the polar bear in the snow very well because . a. it has a yellow-white coat b. it goes under the snow c. it can run very fast d. it goes into the water 4 The polar bear’s skin is . a. black b. yellow c. white d. fat 5 The polar bear for food. a. catches land animals b. looks for snow c. catches sea animals and fish d. looks for fruit and vegetables 6 When the polar bear is afraid, it . a. goes into the water b. goes under the snow c. runs away d. stands up on its wide feet 10 中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶 1 RVD SB1 UNIT 1.indd 10 2021/12/21 14:25:13 《中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶》是从圣智学习集团引进的原版英文分级读物,适合国内初高中学生英语学习使用。全书采用百科类主题式阅读的形式,每个单元呈现一个主题,系统地呈现和复现词汇,有针对性地呈现语法结构,提升学生的阅读能力。该书配有练习册,以供学生练习词汇和阅读使用。扫描阅读材料旁的二维码,可以听原汁原味的原版音频。