经济学原理(导读注释版)Principles of Economics (世界学术经典系列)

经济学原理(导读注释版)Principles of Economics (世界学术经典系列)
作者: 英 阿尔弗雷德.马歇尔 著 高原 导读 注释
出版社: 上海译文
原售价: 238.00
折扣价: 157.10
折扣购买: 经济学原理(导读注释版)Principles of Economics (世界学术经典系列)
ISBN: 9787532786398




\"【精彩书摘】: 1.Economics is a study of men as they live and move and think in the ordinary business of life. But it concerns itself chiefly with those motives which affect, most powerfully and most steadily, man's conduct in the business part of his life. Everyone who is worth anything carries his higher nature with him into business; and, there as elsewhere, he is influenced by his personal affections, bu his conceptions of duty and his reverence for high ideals. And it is true that the best energies of the ablest inventors and organizers of improved methods and appliances are stimulated by a noble emulation more than by any love of wealth for its own sake. But, for all that, the steadiest motive to ordinary business work is the desire for the pay which is the material reward of work. The pay may be on its way to be spent selfishly or unselfishly, for noble or base ends; and here the variety of human nature comes into play. But the motive is supplied by a definite amount of money: and it is this definite and exact money measurement of the steadiest motives in business life, which has enabled economics far to outrun every other branch of the study of man. Just as the chemist's fine balance has made chemistry more eact than most other physical sciences; so this economist's balance, rough and imperfect as it is, has made economics more exact than any other branch of social science. But of course economics cannot be compared with the exact physical sciences: for it deals with the ever changing and subtle forces of human nature. \" 【编辑推荐】:作为与斯密《国富论》、李嘉图《政治经济学及赋税原理》齐名的划时代著作,马歇尔《经济学原理》用浅显的语言使经济学平易近人,改变了经济学著作给人的刻板印象。全书章节布局紧凑,逻辑推理循序渐进,马歇尔还在书后附加十二个附录阐述他对每个概念或问题的深刻见解。他在书中提出的观点可能有其局限之处,但其精华仍值得我们研读。