
作者: 五洲传播出版社
出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 198.00
折扣价: 118.80
折扣购买: 汉英版中华传统经典故事绘本——寓言故事篇(套装全10册)
ISBN: 9787508522683



“井底之蛙”、“守株待兔”、“东郭先生”等寓言故事陪伴了一代又一代中国人的童年,在潜移默化中影响着孩子们关于热爱生命、崇敬自然、认识自我,关爱他人等等的认知。 “汉英版中华传统经典故事绘本:寓言故事篇”包括:《长竿入城》《郑人买履》《井底之蛙》《涸辙之鱼》《东郭先生》《鹬蚌相争》《守株待兔》《自相矛盾》《滥竽充数》《买椟还珠》10分册,特别适合亲子阅读,能让小朋友更快、更清晰地认知世界。 全彩原创,画面优美,文字以英文为主,由外国专家审稿,同时配有中文拼音。中外小朋友不但可以通过生动有趣的故事了解中国传统文化,同时也是他们语言学习的良好读本。 The Frog in the Well, Waiting for the Next Rabbit and Master Dongguo have been household stories for generations in China. They have nurtured among Chinese children love of life, respect for nature, understanding of oneself and care for other people. There are 10 stories in the Chinese-English edition of Illustrated Classic Chinese Tales – Fable Stories: An Impatient Youth, A Man from Zheng Goes to Buy Some Shoes, The Frog in the Well, Fish in a Drying Rut, Master Dongguo, The Snipe and the Clam, Waiting for the Next Rabbit, Attack Your Shield with Your Spear, The Great Musician Who Couldn’t Play and Preferring the Case to the Pearl. The stories are great choices for parents to enjoy with their children, and will help young readers learn about the world and how the Chinese understand and solve common problems. The books feature original colour illustrations, and the English translations have been proofread by a native English speaker. The Chinese text at the end of the book also has pinyin for those who are learning the language. These books can help Chinese and foreign children to learn both English and Chinese, while gaining a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.