
作者: 金波
出版社: 海豚
原售价: 75.00
折扣价: 41.30
折扣购买: 中国经典儿童文学走向世界-开开的门(英)
ISBN: 9787511057594


金波,儿童文学作家、诗人。60余年来创作了大量多体裁的儿童文学作品,包括长篇童话、系列童话、小说、散文、随笔、评论等。作品多次荣获国家级图书大奖、专业协会奖和儿童图书奖,多部入选“三个一百”原创出版工程、国家新闻出版广电总局向全国青少年推荐的百种优秀图书,以及教育部推荐书目。多篇作品被选入各地的语文、音乐教材。 1992年及2020年获国际安徒生奖提名。2014年获陈伯吹国际儿童文学奖年度作家奖。 Jin Bo, born in 1935, is a professor at Beijing Normal University and a member of Children’s Literature Committee of China Writers Association. He has published more than 20 poetry anthologies and fairy tale collections such as Little Leaf Fairy Tales and The Shadow Man. His works have won the Prize of the China Writers Association for Excellent Children’s Literature, the National Children’s Book Award, the Bing Xin Prize for Children’s Literature, the Soong Ching-Ling Prize for Children’s Literature, the Chen Bochui Prize for Children’s Literature and the “Five-One” Project Award. He was also recommended as a candidate for Andersen Prize in 1992 and 2020.

