\\\\\\\"【作者简介】: 张慈贇,国内资深英文媒体人,高级编辑,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。曾就读于美国斯坦福大学,获硕士学位。长期从事英文新闻工作,参与《中国日报》的创办,主持创办《上海日报》《北京周末报》《上海英文星报》,均任第一任总编辑。现为中国翻译协会常务理事。曾在国内外报刊上发表大量新闻报道、特写、评论和专栏文章。 Born in Shanghai in 1949, ZHANG Ciyun (Peter) is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Shanghai Daily, a leading regional English-language daily newspaper on the Chinese mainland. He is also a prolific translator and writer. Mr. Zhang graduated from Jilin Normal University in China, majoring in English language, and later from Stanford University in the United States with a master’s degree in journalism. Starting from 1980, he had worked in several news agencies in China and helped bring into existence four English-language newspapers, including China Daily and Shanghai Daily.\\\\\\\"
无 \\\\\\\"【编辑推荐】: “中国优秀传统文化传承系列”由上海译文出版社精心策划,获国家出版基金、上海出版资金资助出版,系列共含以下6册: Chinese Idioms and Their Stories《中国成语故事(英文版)》 Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History《中国历史人物(英文版)》 Gems of Chinese Classics《中国历史著述(英文版)》 Chinese Mythology & Thirty-Six Stratagems《中国成语故事与三十六计(英文版)》 Brush Away the Mystery of Traditional Chinese Painting《中国历代著名绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)》 The Stories of Ancient Chinese Architecture《中国古建筑及其故事(英文版)》 《中国历史人物(英文版)》以地道流畅的英语,深入浅出地介绍了88位不同领域的历史人物,每则故事配以彩色插画,赏心悦目,图文并茂,是读者学习中国传统文化、讲好中国故事的生动材料。 本书彩色印刷,装帧精美,封面采用进口环保艺术纸,运用了模切镂空工艺,正文采用105克东方雅韵艺术纸,裸脊彩线装订。 \\\\\\\"