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●●●(一)教育●●● Passage 1 大学生应实现社会价值 Spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson urged college graduates in a speech not to fall into the “trap” of pursuing the American dream without serving the greater good. With a college degree comes a great amount of opportunity and privilege, Williamson said. Many people, she continued, will walk away from graduation thinking they can go out and do whatever they want. They measure success by personal gain and set out to realize their dreams. But according to Williamson, this thinking is flawed. “If your freedom means to you that there’s no higher good than going out there and making happen what you want to make happen, then you are not free,” she said. Just as a seed is programmed to grow into a tree, she argued that we are all programmed to become the best versions of ourselves. But we are also programmed, she said, to work toward the greatest good for society — not only for ourselves. (答案详解见P56) Passage 2 iPad对学习的好处 In today’s society, one of the most common misconceptions about children with developmental disorders is that they are mentally deficient. This could not be farther from the truth. Children with developmental disorders may have more difficulty demonstrating their intellectual abilities, but with the introduction of technology into education, children with special needs are beginning to have an outlet to demonstrate their full potential. There’s no more recent, obvious example of this than the iPad. The iPad has become a key tool in classrooms across the U.S., and with its Special Education App Collection, the iPad is able to help with the development of general learning, literacy and communication. To measure the impact of the iPad in the classroom, Apple conducted extensive research proving that the iPad has done everything from raised test scores to increased student learning. In fact, using iPads in the classroom improved kindergarteners reading proficiency by 40 percent in a city. (答案详解见P58) Passage 3 认知技能比IQ重要 Most people can recall a kid from grade school who couldn’t stay seated, who talked out of turn and moved around constantly, whose backpack overflowed with crumpled handouts and who always had to ask other kids what the homework assignment was. Those kids weren’t bad kids, but they seemed to have absolutely no self-control, no internal power to put a brake on their impulses, to keep their attention focused. Not surprisingly, they were almost always bad students as well. This kind of student has been tagged with a variety of labels over the years: antisocial personality, conduct disorder, stupid. But recent advances in psychology and brain science are now suggesting that a child’s ability to inhibit distracting thoughts and stay focused may be a fundamental cognitive skill, one that plays a big part in academic success from preschool on. Indeed, this and closely related skills may be more important than traditional IQ in predicting a child’s school performance. (答案详解见P60) 考研英语二翻译,适用对象: 需要提高翻译能力的考研英语二的考生;MBA、MPA、MPAcc、管理、金融、法律、教育、艺术、工程、体育等专业硕士学位考生;参加各类英译汉笔译考试的考生;对翻译感兴趣的英语爱好者。 推荐理由: 1. 考研英语二100篇翻译训练,实践出真知; 2. 与考研英语二真题同源选材,8大主题分类训练,扩大知识面; 3. 大开本书,页面预留答题空间,便于书写; 4. 经典考研英语二真题句句分析,掌握翻译备考策略; 5. 翻译技巧详实,解析详细,注释词汇和句型难点; 6. 配套视频课程讲解考研英语翻译,快速掌握翻译技巧; 7. 结合考研英语二真题例句讲解,点拨翻译技法。