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折扣购买: 考研英语一阅读理解Part B 100篇2023
ISBN: 9787519228248
华研是国内知名的英语教育类图书策划机构,致力为英语学习者提供高效的方法和优质的内容。旗下“华研外语”品牌涵盖大学英语四六级、考研英语、英语专业四八级、雅思英语、高考英语、英语AB级考试、中小学英语等系列图书。 TOPWAY是华研的做事原则,经验表明,方法得当就会事半功倍,让您花更少的时间取得更好的学习效果;“沙里淘金”是华研的思维方式,通过语料库分析、词汇分频、难度分级等诸多科学手段,让您抓住问题的关键,用20%的精力取得80%的成效,体现“二八定律”,从而达到“四两拨千斤”的效果。
Test 51 [A] Punit Shah, a researcher at King’s College London, investigated how the perception of internal bodily sensations is related to emotion and how this may, in turn, be linked to how we make decisions. First, Shah gave a group of typical adults a gambling task to measure their susceptibility to the framing effect. They were later asked to close their eyes and count their heartbeats to measure how well they monitored internal sensations. Their emotional awareness was also measured using a questionnaire. Shah discovered that people who were good at monitoring their heartbeat—people who “followed their heart”—were most guided by emotion and particularly susceptible to the framing effect. [B] The research demonstrates that “following your heart” is related to complex decision-making, which builds on recent work showing that heartbeat perception is linked to survival in the financial markets. However, it also suggests that listening to your heart and being in touch with your emotions—usually seen as positive things—may lead to decisions that are not so rational. [C] Decisions are based on the way choices are framed. This is because people use emotion when making decisions, leading to some options feeling more desirable than others. For example, when given £50, we are more likely to gamble the money if we stand to lose £30 than if we are going to keep £20. [D] But what about people with poor emotional awareness and difficulties monitoring their heartbeat? Research has shown that these things are impaired in people with alexithymia, otherwise known as “emotional blindness.” As emotional blindness is more common in people with autism, Shah tested a group of adults diagnosed with this condition. Replicating previous research, people with autism showed a smaller framing effect. It was found that people with autism were able to monitor their heartbeat just as well as people without autism, but there was no relationship between how well they did this, or emotional awareness, and their susceptibility to the framing effect. [E] Although both options are mathematically equivalent, the thought of losing money evokes a powerful emotional response and we are more likely to gamble to try to avoid losing money. This cognitive bias, first described by the psychologist Daniel Kahneman in the 1980s, is known as the “framing effect.” Despite this phenomenon being well documented, scientists are still trying to understand why our emotions have such a powerful influence on decision making. [F] These findings add to evidence showing that people with autism think differently to typical people. Although this is related to the difficulties they experience in social situations, this different way of thinking may sometimes be advantageous in situations where it is it better to follow your head and not your heart. [G] This indicates that people with autism use a different strategy when making decisions. Instead of using intuition and emotion like people without autism, they were not following their heart and don’t use emotional information to guide their decisions. Instead, they viewed differently framed, but numerically equivalent, options more rationally than typical people. So they gambled just as much as non-autistic people, but did so using the numerical information instead of making decisions based on how those numbers made them feel. 1. → 2. → A → 3. → 4. → B → 5. 2023考研英语一阅读理解Part B 100篇,适用对象: 基础薄弱的考研英语一考生;直接做考研英语一阅读真题有困难的考生;需要加强考研英语一阅读理解B节训练的考生;想要提高考研英语一阅读分数的考生。 推荐理由: 1. 严格按照新版考研英语一考试大纲要求编写; 2. 分题型突破考研英语一阅读理解B节题型; 3. 考研英语一阅读理解B节解析详尽,所有阅读训练均配备全文翻译、难词注释,全面扫除阅读理解障碍; 4. 按题型总结考研英语一阅读理解B节的解题技巧,帮助考生提高答题速度和答题正确率; 5. 选材与考研英语一阅读理解B节真题同源,命题思路和难度与真题高度一致,备考更有效,不做无用功。 6. 配套视频课,助力考生科学备考。