
作者: 编者:陈从喜|译者:胡亮
原售价: 118.00
折扣价: 66.08
折扣购买: 中国国土资源概况(英文版)
ISBN: 9787520001397


陈从喜博士, 研究员, 中共党员。现任国土资源部信息中心统计监测室主任、国土资源部国土资源战略研究重点实验室副主任,主要从事矿床学、国土资源管理政策研究。他在矿床学、国土资源管理政策等方面有深入研究。先后主持和完成国际合作项目1项(IGCP443)、国家级项目3项、省部级以上科研项目20余项, 在国内外刊物上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI论文3篇;出版(合著)专著5部。获国土资源科技成果一等奖1次、二等奖1次。


(I) The Geological Data Service supported the major national needs and work of the Land and Resources Center Joint coordination and cooperation mechanism were strengthened and the preparation of Geological Survey Report on Supporting the Common Development of Beijing-Tianjin- Hebei Region (2015), the Atlas of Land and Resources and Major Geological Problems in Yangtze River Economic Belt (2015) and the Geological Survey Report on Supporting the Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt (2015), as well as the atlases related to the “Belt and Road Initiative” and other important results were achieved, providing full service to the implementation of major national strategies. 本书介绍了中国国土资源概况及“十二五”期间国土资源开发利用情况,为国内外社会大众更好地了解中国国土资源概况和开发利用状况,以及国土资源管理制度和政策情况,同时也为切实增强国土资源部门公共服务能力,推进政府信息公开。