![Design Standardization in Residential Buildings in China: Major Developers’ Design Standardization Practice](https://file.mhuoba.com/shop/3/100021/picture/book/20240201/14/20240201143020422.jpg)
出版社: 华中科技大学
原售价: 68.00
折扣价: 46.30
折扣购买: Design Standardization in Residential Buildings in China: Major Developers’ Design Standardization Practice
ISBN: 9787577201672
方舟,博士,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院讲师。2011年6月获华中科技大学文学学士和工学学士学位,2012年12月获佛罗里达大学建筑学理学硕士学位,2014年获香港博士研究生奖学金计划(HKPFS)支持赴香港理工大学攻读建筑与房地产专业博士,获博士学位。主要从事建成环境设计、设计方法、设计管理等相关研究工作。为国际建筑与建设研究创新理事会(CIB)、建筑设计与管理委员会(W096)和青年学者网络(ECR Network)成员。主持湖北省自然科学基金项目一项,参与多项国家自然科学基金、国家民委民族研究、湖北省自然科学基金项目。在国际学术会议上发表论文4篇,发表中文核心论文2篇。
Chapter 1 Research Statement 1.1Introduction In architectural designs, it is natural and frequent to reuse both intellectual formed design experiences and physical recorded design experiences and solutions.And there are diverse level of the reuse of design experiences or solutions. Among all, design standardization practices have been widely adopted in residential building design. Since the initial commercialization and privatization of urban housing in the 1980s, it have significantly gained attention. Within the past 40 years, the average annual GDP growth of China has reached nearly 10 percent. With this growth, the urbanization rate in China surpassed 50% for the first time in the year of 2011, reflecting the millions of migrant populations moving from rural to urban areas. Obviously, there is a positive interplay between the process of urbanization and the development of the real estate industry. Urbanization provides opportunities for the development of the property industry, for example, it comes with great urban housing demands and rapid urban infrastructure development. 运用标准化设计是我国主要房地产开发商近几十年在住宅项目开发中的普遍做法。本书通过科学的文献工作,系统性地定义了标准化和设计标准化在居住建筑开发与设计中的运用目标、方法及过程。本书根据过往的研究空缺及业界的实际情况制定了研究主题与目标,并通过创新性的研究设计,开发了运用设计标准化的测量方法。研究结果填补了过去相关研究的空缺,量化了设计标准化的运用情况、测试并解读了与运用情况相关的因素,梳理了各相关者针对标准化的观点。