出版社: 江西教育
原售价: 59.80
折扣价: 26.91
折扣购买: 向上英语小学阶梯阅读训练100篇4年级A+B(彩绘2册)
ISBN: 9787570513833
Unit 2 校园生活(School Life) Lesson 1 School Library (Bob goes to the school library. He wants to borrow a science fiction from school library. He asks librarian...) Bob: Good morning, sir. librarian: Good morning, can I help you? Bob: I want to borrow a science fiction. Where can I find it? librarian: oh, let me find it for you. Here it is. Bob: Thank you very much. How many books can I borrow at a time? librarian: Five books. May I have your student’s card? Bob: OK, here you are. How long can I keep it? librarian: oh, two weeks. Bob: I see, thank you! 【认识新词】 fiction /?f?k·??n/ n. 科幻小说 librarian /la??bre?ri?n/ n. 图书管理员 borrow /?b?r??/ v. 借 keep /ki:p/ v. 保存 【背诵好句】 (1)Where can I find it? 我在哪里可以找到它? (2)How long can I keep it? 我可以借多久? 【阅读体验】 一、根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. The librarian is a woman. ( )2. Bob borrows the book in the afternoon. ( )3. Bob has a student’s card. ( )4. Bob can borrow the science fiction from school library. ( )5. The librarian help Bob find book. 二、根据短文内容,回答问题。 What kind(哪一种) of book does Bob borrow? How many books can Bob borrow at a time? How long can Bob keep it? 4. Is Bob a student? 【知识宝库】 校园借书的常用词汇 check out 借书 return the book 还书 如: You can’t check out these books. 你不可以借这些书。 I’d like return the book. 我想要还那本书。 fine罚款(以防学生长时间不还书,学校一般会规定书籍借阅时间,如果超过时间,会有少量的罚款)。如: If you can’t return the book in time, you’ll be fined. 如果你不及时还书,你将会被罚款。 renew续借(如果到期了,但还是想继续看,又不想交罚款,你需要继续借这本书)。如: If you renew them, you can keep them longer. 如果你续借,你就可以更久地借阅这些书。 名师选文:特邀重点小学一线名师倾力打造,精心选取文质兼美的文章。 2.主题丰富:16大主题涵盖日常生活、家庭故事、学校故事、科普知识、文化知识、中外文化等题材,有效激发学习兴趣。 3.模块多样:生词义释,扫除障碍;好句背诵,知识宝库,积累写作素材。 4.难度科学:精选100篇分为A、B版,梯度练习题,由易到难,题型丰富。 5.趣味配图:鲜活大图,图文互动,图画也会说英语,英语越学越简单。 6.扫码方便:一篇一码,听读方便,纯正美英听力助力口语进步。 7.印刷精美:封面卡通,内文全彩,纸张优良,高质量的阅读训练作业。