出版社: 清华大学
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折扣购买: 中学生百科英语(一看就能说3清华中学英语分级读物)
ISBN: 9787302493808
18 3 Planning a Lifestyle Magazine Unit Word Plus “Too” and “enough” Talking Points Talk about different sections of a magazine Discuss options Give and respond to opinions Role-play Discuss the format of a new magazine Project Write a newspaper advertisement Talk About Tests Develop the topic with specific details and examples You’re launching a new lifestyle magazine. Who will be the target audience and what topics will the magazine cover? Will it be printed, pu**ished online, or both? Unit 3: Planning a Lifestyle Magazine | 19 A Key Words Match each article sub-heading to the correct section heading. B Key Word Practice 1. Read each expression three times, changing the words in **ue each time. (1) I always read the cooking section first. (tr**el / movie) (2) There are already too many magazines aimed at teenagers. (younger men / older women) 2. Match the two parts of the conversation. Then practice the conversation with a partner. Student A _ (1) _ _ I don’t think we should h**e a cooking section in the magazine. (2) ___ Because there are already too many cooking magazines out there. (3) ___ I guess you’re right. Cooking is pretty popular. (4) ___ So, how many pages do you think the section should be? Student B a. Well, that’s because it’s a popular subject. b. Why not? c. About 10 pages would work. d. In any case, our readers are people who don’t subscribe to cooking magazines. Part 1 Word Plus b Here are some ways to use “too” and “enough”. Examples: . I think we h**e too many articles on culture. . These restaurants are too expensive for our target audience. . There aren’t enough people interested in knitting to justify a whole section on it. . Do we h**e enough coverage of Fashion Week? “Too” and “Enough” Article sub-heading Section heading 1. ___ A simple recipe for Thai curry a. Tr**el 2. ___ Superb Korean food at Bonjuk b. Health 3. ___ Palmeria unveils its new range of hats c. Dining out 4. ___ Sandra Keith visits the temples at Bagan d. Shopping 5. ___ One of the best musicals of the year e. Around the home 6. ___ Five easy exercises to firm up your abs f. Fitness 7. ___ Ways to **oid the flu this season g. Cooking 8. ___ How to keep that shower curtain clean h. Hobbies 9. ___ Basket we**ing making a comeback i. Fashion 10. ___ Ten tips for finding bargain priced shoes j. Culture g 20 | Non-stop Talking! A Get Ready to Talk 1. Read the expressions. Then practice with a partner. Start the conversation: Talk about different sections of a magazine My f**orite section is the culture section. I always read the health and fitness section first. I think the touri** section is too long. I don’t h**e time to read it. They h**e some interesting articles in the hobbies section. I never read the fashion section. Really? Mine’s the cooking section. So do I. That’s my f**orite section. Yes, I agree. Really? I always read that first. Continue the conversation: Discuss options Do we want to target men or women? Are we going for a younger or older audience? Should we just h**e printed copies or both printed copies and an online edition? Are we aiming more at active people or stay-athome people? Can’t we target both sexes? I think we want a younger audience. It’s a lot easier just to do print. Let’s go for more active people. Finish the conversation: Give and respond to opinions I think we should h**e a magazine for the more mature person. In my opinion, we must h**e a website. Let’s h**e a big section on food and cooking. Our target audience should be younger women. I think so too. I’m not sure I agree with you there. Why? There are already too many food magazines on the market. I’d go along with that. Polite ways to disagree Saying something like “I disagree” can sometimes sound a bit strong. Here are some more polite ways to disagree. . I’m not sure I agree. . I wonder if that’s the best way to go. . You make a good point, but… 2. Practice the conversations with a partner. Then say what issues regarding the different target audiences are mentioned in the conversations. Part 2 Start Talking! Conversation 1 ___________________ A: So, who should our target audience be? B: I think we should aim the magazine at younger people. A: And do we want to target both men and women? B: I think so. The number of readers will be higher. A: But it’ll be difficult to find topics that appeal to both men and women. Conversation 2 ___________________ A: Are we printing the magazine or pu**ishing it online? B: These days the online version is preferred. A: I’m not sure I agree. Older people still tend to buy printed copies. B: But don’t we want to target a younger audience too? A: In this case, why don’t we h**e both versions? Unit 3: Planning a Lifestyle Magazine | 21 B Practice Talking 1. Use the words in the box to complete the conversation. target income cross-section distribute tips sin**e downscale well-off fitness specific A: The first thing we h**e to decide is who the [1] ________ audience will be for our new magazine. B: I think we should aim the magazine at a broad [2] _______ of society. C: I wonder if that’s the best approach. We may end up satisfying no one. We should narrow our focus. Something like women in their twenties and thirties who like to tr**el and are interested in food. A: Maybe that’s a bit too [3] _______, but I think women in that age range would be right for our magazine. I also think we should h**e sections on tr**el and food, as well as things like fashion and culture. B: By culture, do you mean things like music and theater? A: Exactly. B: What you seem to be saying is that we should focus on young women who h**e a decent amount of [4] _______. A: Yes, though not necessarily rich. They’re also proba**y still [5] _______. C: In that case, should we include a section on dating? Dating [6] _______ and suggestions on how to find the right man. That kind of thing. A: I’m not sure I’d go along with that. I think that makes the magazine a bit [7] _______. Dating tips don’t really fit alongside culture. B: I see what you mean. Maybe we could include things on health and [8] _______ instead. A: Yes, that would certainly be of interest to our target audience. C: Now, if we’re targeting reasona**y [9] _______ younger women, will the magazine only be in an electronic format or do we still want print? A: I would go for electronic only. It’s so much easier than h**ing to print the magazines and then [10] _______ them. B: Better for the environment too. C: I certainly agree with electronic only. 2. Practice the conversation with two of your clas**ates. target 22 | Non-stop Talking! A Talk and Consider 1. You h**e to finalize the details of your new magazine. First, make a list of four groups of people who can possi**y be your target audience, and then decide on one or more to focus on. Next, think of four sections that you must h**e in your magazine and explain why. Finally, decide if your magazine will be printed, pu**ished online, or both, and give your reasons for this decision. You’re launching a new lifestyle magazine. Who will be the target audience and what topics will the magazine cover? Will it be printed, pu**ished online, or both? Part 3 Keep Talking! Target audience Sections in magazine and reason(s) Printed / Pu**ished online / Both and reason(s) stay-at-home moms a fitness section because being healthy is a common concern for everyone printed, because it is easier to see everything on a page without h**ing to keep scrolling up or down the page E.g. 听:发音纯正,扫码即听 说:话题丰富,循序渐进 练:方案合理,题型多样