
作者: 王玉书
出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 148.00
折扣价: 80.00
折扣购买: 王译唐诗三百首(汉英对照)(精)
ISBN: 9787508506005


王玉书 1917年生于福州。1936年进入福建协和大学英文系,后转入上海沪江大学英文系。1942年毕业,获文学士学位。 长期就职于上海市邮政局。退休后于1979至1987年在上海大学工学院任英文教师。 作者工于译事,尤擅长中英诗文,在有关刊物发表过作品多篇。


孤雁 崔涂 几行归塞尽,念尔独何之? 暮雨相呼失,寒塘欲下迟。 渚云低暗度,关月冷相随。 未必逢缴,孤飞自可疑。 A Lone Wild Goose Cui Tu Lines of wild geese have all been back to the frontier. I wonder where you alone are flying from here. In evening rains you cry hard for being astray; You hesitate when to the cold pond you make your way. Through the low clouds o’er the islet you take your flight; O’er the pass, with you is only the cold moonlight. You may not have been frightened by fearful arrows; What really causes you to fly singly who knows!