出版社: 中国人民大学
原售价: 22.00
折扣价: 14.80
折扣购买: 考研英语极简刷词手册
ISBN: 9787300287379
DAY 17 练习
accumulate countless boast giants outdated
annual discipline engage exceeded collective
1 The young man was fined because he had ________ the speed limit.
2 People will often ________ about how many “friends” they may have in their real or online network.
3 Technology, which has changed the life of ________ people, is the application of scientific knowledge.
4 Tech ________ like Microsoft are attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their data centers.
5 Social progress is by no means an individual effort, and it is always the result of ________ effort.
6 According to a recent survey, only 15% of people would ________ in regular
7 Our library should purchase updated books to replace the ________ ones.
8 The ________ of studying music can help children develop good work habits and improve self-esteem.
9 Students can ________ working experience by doing part-time jobs.
10 Retail stores usually count on the Christmas season to earn half of their ________ profits.