X-Pilates创始人、《普拉提训练全书》译者徐靖,**正念尊师黄耀光倾情** ·报了外教课或双语教学的课程却因听不懂口令而犯愁? ·努力获得国外资格认证,只因语言不熟练而陷入瓶颈? ·渴望浏览国外瑜伽资讯却因频频查阅辞典而影响效率? ·观看教学演示视频时听不懂单词、短语,跟不上进度? 不用急,这本《实用瑜伽英语》会带你*克瑜伽精进的语言障碍。 小开本,易携带;边学边练,直观好记。随书附带课程试听,零基础学瑜伽英语。
第 8 章? 瑜伽休息术引导口令 Chapter 8 Instruction of S**asana in Yoga 挺尸式 Corpse / S**asana 步骤1:仰卧在垫面上,屈双膝,抬起骨盆轻轻离开地面,双手朝向尾骨推动骨盆后侧,然后回到地板上。吸气,慢慢地压右脚跟以伸展右腿,然后再伸展左腿。放松双腿,柔软腹股沟,脚尖向外打开,柔软下背部。双手抬起头部远离颈部,放松颈部。 Lie down on the back. Bend your knees. Lift your pelvic slightly off the ?oor, with hands pushing the back of pelvic towards the tailbone, then return to the floor. Inhale and slowly extend the right leg by pushing through the right heel, then turn to the left leg. Release both legs. Soften the groins, and turn the feet outward. Soften the lower back. With your hands lifting the head away from the neck, release the neck. 步骤2:你还可以用毛毯支撑头部和颈部后侧。伸展双臂朝向天花板,肩胛骨远离脊柱。再在地面上放松手臂,继而放松手背,根据舒适程度选择距身体的远近。延展锁骨,柔软舌根、鼻子和耳朵内侧,让双眼下沉。 You can also support the back of your head and neck on a **anket. Raise your arms toward the ceiling. Draw the shoulder **ades away from the spine, and then release the arms on the ?oor. Rest the back of hands on the floor, and the distance from them to your torso should be adjusted according to comfort. Spread the collarbones. Soften the root of tongue, nose and the inner ears. Let the eyes sink to the head. 步骤3:排除外界的一切干扰,将意识集中在呼吸上,深深地吸气,腹部慢慢向外隆起,将新鲜空气吸入腹部。再进行呼气,小腹向内收,将身体的废气、浊气向外排出。保持这样的呼吸节奏,内心慢慢变得平静,抛开所有的烦恼和杂念。放松身体和大脑。 Drown out any outside noise and focus on breathing. Inhale deeply and belly out, fresh air flling the abdominal c**ity. Exhale the waste gas slowly, belly in. Keep this breathing rhythm. Calm inside slowly. Put aside all your worries and distractions. Ease the body and mind. 步骤4:从双脚开始,依次放松身体的每一个部位。放松双脚和脚踝;放松你的双腿、膝盖、膝盖窝;感觉你大腿前侧、后侧都在不断地放松、下沉;放松你的**、髋部、腹股沟;感觉你的腹部在放松,后背在放松,胸腔、双肩都在放松、下沉;放松你的颈部、头部;放松你的头皮,感觉你的每一根发丝都在放松,你的身体变得很松、很松,像一根羽毛一样,轻盈地随风飘荡在空中。 Starting with your feet, ease one part of your body at a time. Relax your feet and ankles; relax your legs, knees, and popliteal fossa. Feel the front and back of your thigh releasing down onto the ?oor. Relax your buttocks, hips, and groin. Your abdomen and back feel relaxed. Relax your chest and shoulders down. Feel your neck and head relaxed. Relax your scalp and feel that each strand of your hair is relaxing. Your body become light and loose like a feather, ?oating in the air. 步骤5:进入冥想练习,想象一个美丽、平静的地方,如沙滩、*地、河边等,你享*在这美好的一切当中,变得快乐、宁静。 Get into meditation practice. Imagine a beautiful and peaceful place, such as beach, meadow, and river etc. You are enjoying yourself in this place, and become happy and peaceful. 步骤6:再次关注你的呼吸,轻轻地动一动手指和脚趾,4 ~ 5次呼吸后,呼气时,缓慢地翻转身体到右侧,继续保持2 ~ 3次的呼吸。睁开眼睛,再次呼气,用手压地面,抬起身体,头部*后。选择一个舒适的坐姿,双手合掌。以合十礼结束。 And focus on your breathing again. Move your fngers and toes slightly. After four to fve breaths, roll gently with an exhalation onto right side. Take two to three breaths again. Open your eyes. With another exhalation, press your hand against the ?oor. Lift your body, and the head comes up last. Choose a comforta**e sitting pose. Place your palms together. Namaste. 说明:休息术引导词因个人需求和功能各异而采用不同的表达形式和方式,以上内容仅供参考。 Note: Instruction of S**asana adopt di?erent expressions based on various personal needs and functions . The above herein is for reference only. X-Pilates创始人、《普拉提训练全书》译者徐靖,**正念尊师黄耀光倾情** ·报了外教课或双语教学的课程却因听不懂口令而犯愁? ·努力获得国外资格认证,只因语言不熟练而陷入瓶颈? ·渴望浏览国外瑜伽资讯却因频频查阅辞典而影响效率? ·观看教学演示视频时听不懂单词、短语,跟不上进度? 不用急,这本《实用瑜伽英语》会带你*克瑜伽精进的语言障碍。 小开本,易携带;边学边练,直观好记。随书附带课程试听,零基础学瑜伽英语。