
作者: 崔燕|译者:刘毅
出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 30.00
折扣价: 18.00
折扣购买: 小蝌蚪找妈妈/水墨中国经典幼儿故事
ISBN: 9787508522623


崔燕,1963年生于北京。毕业于北京师范大学教育系,研究生学历。师从著名的楼阁山水画家何镜涵先生学习山水,从事美术教育与学前教育三十余载,是一位有着丰富经验的幼儿教育专家和美术教育家。 CUI YAN, born in Beijing in 1963, graduated from Beijing Normal University with a master’s degree in education. She learned traditional Chinese ink-and-wash painting from He Jinghan, a renowned Chinese landscape painter. Cui has undertaken art education and preschool education for over 30 years and is, therefore, incredibly experienced in these fields.


In the depths of a freezing winter, a mother frog went to sleep in a warm mud pool. She stayed there for many months quietly waiting for the spring. Then spring arrived. The grass became green and flowers bloomed. Mother frog awoke from her long sleep. She jumped happily out of the mud and into the water of the pond. 崔燕编绘、刘毅翻译的《小蝌蚪找妈妈》讲述了 : 小蝌蚪一起去寻找自己的妈妈,他们根据妈妈的 生长特点,先是找到了鲤鱼妈妈,又找到了乌龟,接 着找到白天鹅,最后终于找到了自己的青蛙妈妈,小 蝌蚪们好开心啊。 本书是以中国传统水墨画的艺术表达形式呈现的 ,全彩原创,画面优美,文字以英文为主,由外国专 家审稿,同时配有中文拼音。小朋友不但可以通过生 动有趣的故事了解中国传统文化,同时也是他们语言 学习的良好读本。