
作者: (德)约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德
出版社: 云南人民
原售价: 36.00
折扣价: 20.90
折扣购买: 少年维特的烦恼(英文版)
ISBN: 9787222177840




July 19 “I shall see her today!” I exclaim with delight, when I rise in the morning, and look out with **ad- ness of heart at the bright, beautiful sun. “I shall see her today!” And then I h**e no further wish to form: all, all is included in that one thought. July 20 I cannot assent to your proposal that I should accompany the ambassador to———. I do not love sub- ordination; and we all know that he is a rough, dis- agreea**e person to be connected with. You say my mother wishes me to be employed. I could not help laughing at that. Am I not sufficiently employed? And is it not in reality the same, whether I shell peas or count lentils? The world runs on from one folly to another; and the man who, solely from regard to the opinion of others, and without any wish or necessity of his own, toils after gold, honour, or any other phantom, is no better than a fool. 世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAIEN**ISHLIBRARY)为你带来30本原版世界名著:小王子、老人与海、了不起的盖茨比、月亮与六便士、喧嚣与骚动、瓦尔登湖、欧亨利短篇小说精选、双城记……   ◆这是你与作品和作者超近距离的一次接触   ◆全英文原版书让你体会zui原汁原味的情感   ◆提高英文能力走进英文世界从阅读英文经典开始   ◆读英文原版书承包朋友圈的学霸人设   ◆一书一名画贴近原文接近世界名画大师   ◆***风***棉麻布艺封面烫金书名精致文艺--值得入手的珍藏本   ◆每本书摘录广为流传的经典语句让金句点亮你的人生 一部被认为是德国文学**一件划时代大事的书,它问世后震撼了德国乃至整个世界。