
作者: 崔燕|译者:刘毅
出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 30.00
折扣价: 16.50
折扣购买: 过猴山/水墨中国经典幼儿故事
ISBN: 9787508523972


崔燕,1969年生于北京。毕业于北京师范大学教育系,研究生学历。师从著名的楼阁山水画家何镜涵先生学习山水,从事美术教育与学前教育三十余载,是一位有着丰富经验的幼儿教育专家和美术教育家。 CUI YAN, born in Beijing in 1963, graduated from Beijing Normal University with a master’s degree in education. She learned traditional Chinese ink-and-wash painting from He Jinghan, a renowned Chinese landscape painter. Cui has undertaken art education and preschool education for over 30 years and is, therefore, incredibly experienced in these fields.


There was once a whitehaired grandpa who was 68 years old. Early one morning, he went to the market with his wine gourds and a carrying pole. Climbing high mountains, trudging through forests, crossing bridges and wading through creeks, grandpa hummed happily. At the market, grandpa bought wine and a batch of straw hats. He slowly made his way back home. 崔燕编写的《过猴山》讲述了:老爷爷清早起来 去赶集,买了美酒和草帽,高高兴兴往家走。正午的 太阳烤得老爷爷浑身是汗,走到了山顶上他实在走不 动了于是坐在树下休息。这时一群淘气的猴子下了山 ,它们偷走了老爷爷的草帽,有的蹦到树上,有的跳 到石头上,高兴得上蹿下跳。老爷爷被吵醒了。他该 怎么办哪?