张红力,清华大学五道口金融学院、中国科学院大学兼职教授,第十届、第十一届、第十二届全国政协委员,出版《金融与国家安全》《中国金融与全球治理》《红色金融》等系列专著,撰写《金融安全与国家利益》《“金融+”与价值观安全》《国际金融的全球治理与中国贡献》《金融引领与一带一路》等数十篇学术论文。 ZHANG Hongli is a professor teaching at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University. Zhang is the author of Finance and National Security, Chinese Finance and Global Governance, and Red Finance. He has also published dozens of scholarly articles including “Financial Security and National Interest,” “Finance Plus and Values Safety,” “Global Governance of International Finance and China’s Contribution,” and “The Finance-Led Belt and Road.”
“全球治理的中国方案”丛书围绕“治理”“和平”“发展”三个最重要的主题,采取“3+7”的模式,共分为十分册。前三分册作为统领,围绕三大核心主题,综述中国完善全球治理体系的理念与实践,介绍中国参与全球治理的战略框架;其余七分册,按照当前全球治理的七大互动领域,包括金融安全、能源安全、气候治理、国际发展援助、人权保障、网络空间安全治理、国际反恐合作等,分别诠释全球治理具体领域的中国方案。 On several occasions since 2016, Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of China’s active participation in the international efforts to reform the system of global governance. Written by a group of prominent Chinese scholars and officials, the China and Global Governance Series aims to present the international readers with China’s approach to global governance and the Chinese wisdom behind it. In the ten titles forming this series, the authors elaborate on China’s perspectives on global governance, peace, and development, as well as seven other important aspects of global governance—financial security, energy security, climate change management, foreign aid, cybersecurity, human rights protection, and anti-terrorism.