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原售价: 55.80
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折扣购买: 大学英语六级阅读180篇(共2册)
ISBN: 9787519215736
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J.D. Salinger: “Keep Your Hands Off My Legacy” J.D. Salinger may have hated visitors, but he sure loved lawyers. The famously solitary author turned down all attempts by others to adapt his writings, particularly his masterwork, Catcher in the Rye. He even said “no” to Steven Spielberg regarding a film version of his classic novel. But now that Salinger is gone, what will happen to his iron-fisted control over his writings? Precious little, say legal experts. If Salinger had the foresight to invite a good estate planner to Cornish, New Hampshire, it’s likely that he will rule his literary empire from the grave. “Legally, his death should have no significance at all, ” says Richard Dannay, an intellectual property lawyer in New York City. “His works are in copyright, and remain in copyright.” Those copyrights pass to his estate, say lawyers, and Salinger may have left detailed directions about how to proceed. If his extraordinarily private style held true in his will-making, would-be adapters of the Salinger oeuvre (全部作品) are out of luck. “If he says that he doesn’t want a revised work, or a secondary work or a derivative work, or he doesn’t want anything related to Catcher in the Rye licensed, then whoever is managing his estate would be bound by that, ”says Jon Tandler, a publishing lawyer in Denver. “He can say, ‘Thou shall not create a sequel (续篇).’” That’s just what a Swedish author calling himself J.D. California (real name: Fredrik Colting) tried to do, in a book named 60 Years Later: Coming Through the Rye. But just before his death, the ever-alert Salinger sent his lawyers after California and his tiny publisher, Windupbird Publishing, suing them in June in federal court in Manhattan. The judge, Deborah Batts, sided with Salinger, indefinitely banning the publication of the book in this country. (It had been published in Britain.) The judge rejected the argument that the book was a parody (滑稽模仿), which would have been legally permissible. The judge’s ruling has been appealed to the Second Circuit, where the case is still up in the air. But J.D. Salinger isn’t above the law. In the future, Catcher in the Rye and his handful of short stories will have to go into the public domain, where they’re open game. But don’t hold your breath. That will be in 2080. 大学英语六级阅读180篇,适用于: 需要改革新题型英语六级阅读的CET6级考生;基础较差、需要大量英语六级阅读练习的考生;需要在短时间内掌握英语六级阅读常考词汇的考生;需强化英语六级语法、攻克英语六级阅读长难句的考生。 推荐理由: 1. 大学英语六级阅读180篇,两册装,解析单独成册,方便对照学习; 2. 所有训练题参照全新英语六级阅读考试改革新题型命题,备考针对性强; 3. 英语六级考试命题与阅卷中心所在地上海交大名师主编; 4. 英语六级阅读七大题源,熟记核心英语六级词汇; 5. 语法+难句,指导考生读懂英语六级阅读长难句; 6. 英语六级阅读专项强化,掌握解题技巧; 7. 英语六级阅读综合模拟,考前实战训练; 8. 赠送六级阅读新题型备考视频讲座。