迪士尼英语分级读物 基础级 第5级(6册)
“迪士尼学而乐”是美国迪士尼公司研发的全球顶尖学前教育品牌,由国际顶尖的教育专家团队研发,用深受孩子喜爱的动画明星形象,陪伴全球2~14岁儿童的成长。迪士尼全球出版公司平均每年销售274种儿童杂志和1.2亿本儿童图书,出版物被译为55种语言在全世界75个国家出版。 童趣出版有限公司是中国儿童出版领域的标杆企业,自1994年成立以来,专注儿童出版,每年书刊的发行量几千万册,将高品质的优秀图书,先进的阅读理念带给了一代又一代的中国儿童。
冰雪奇缘2 Frozen 2 In the kingdom of Arendelle, King Agnarr told Anna and Elsa about the Northuldra, a people who lived in harmony with the spirits of nature. Their mother, Queen Iduna sang of a river called Ahtohallan, which held all the answers to the past. Elsa wondered if Ahtohallan knew why she had magical power. Many years had passed since those days, and though their parents were gone, the girls had found family in their best friends, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf. One evening, they were all playing charades. Elsa heard a haunting melody sung by a voice that no one else seemed to hear. … 超能陆战队 Big Hero Six Welcome to San Fransokyo, where the bustling city streets are home to technology giants Krei Tech and San Fransokyo Institute of Technology (SFIT). Those same streets are also home to the Hamada brothers: Tadashi and his little brother, Hiro. But the alleys belong to the bot fighters. “Go! Go!” Hiro punched a remote control and watched his robot spin and block the opposing bot’s attack. Crunch! Hiro’s robot won the robot fight! Hiro celebrated . . . until his sumo-sized opponent got angry. “You cheated! I want that bot!” the man shouted. Tadashi arrived on his motorbike just in time. “Get on!” Grinning, Hiro jumped aboard. Tadashi was the best brother ever. … 木偶奇遇记 Pinocchio One night, the Evening Star shone down on a tiny village. Only one house still had a light burning. That was the workshop of Geppetto, the kindly old woodcarver. He was busy carving a little puppet. “Isn’t Pinocchio almost like a real boy?” he chuckled. Climbing into bed, the old man mumbled, “I wish you were a real boy, Pinocchio.” Jiminy Cricket overheard Geppetto’s wish. He had seen how kind and gentle the woodcarver was, and he felt sorry because the lonely old man’s wish could never come true. … 海底总动员 Finding Nemo Nemo was a little clownfish who lived a quiet life with his dad, Marlin, on the Great Barrier Reef. Marlin was very protective of his son—especially since Nemo was born with one fin that was smaller than the other. When it was time for Nemo to go to school, Marlin was nervous. But Nemo couldn’t wait! Marlin overheard Nemo and his new friends daring each other to swim out over a steep cliff.“Come on, Nemo! How far can you go?” Marlin panicked. “Nemo, you know you can’t swim well.” … 玩具总动员3 Toy Story 3 For a long time, Woody the cowboy felt as if he was the luckiest toy in the world. He belonged to Andy, who loved him as much as anyone could. For years, Andy played with Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and all his other toys. Like all children, though, Andy grew up. One day, Woody told the other toys that Andy was going to college. “We all knew this day was coming.” Buzz Lightyear the space ranger tried to cheer them up. “Whatever happens, at least we’ll all be together.” … 怪兽大学 Monster University Six-year-old Mike Wazowski was the smallest monster in his first-grade class. One day, Mike’s class went on a field trip to Monsters, Inc., a company that collected the screams of human children to power the monster world. At that moment, Mike knew he wanted to be a Scarer more than anything in the world! Twelve years later, the day came for Mike to attend Monsters University. He was thrilled. As Mike walked past some club booths, a flyer caught his eye. It was for the Scare Games—a competition that determined the scariest monsters on campus. 英语课外读物不知道怎么选?买回家的书孩子不爱读?英语课外书难度过大孩子读不下去?如果你们家孩子遇到这几个问题,不用怕,试试“迪士尼英语分级读物 基础级”。 在欧美国家,使用分级读物来提高孩子的阅读能力已经是一种普遍流行的方法。分级读物将阅读材料按照不同年龄孩子的能力特点进行分级,让孩子能循序渐进的得到提高。英语分级读物在编排上,将英语学习与阅读趣味性进行了很好的融合,既是阅读材料,也是学习材料。家长可以选择按照英语分级读物的编排,从最低级别向更高级别学起。比起自己漫无目标的寻找不同的英语故事绘本,无法考证难度,使用英语分级读物更加科学简便,能够帮助家长选择适合孩子的阅读难度。 “迪士尼英语分级读物 基础级 第5级”共6册书,包括6个迪士尼经典电影英文原版故事,既包括最新上映的《冰雪奇缘2》,也包括经典的《木偶奇遇记》。书中精美大幅插图,瞬间激发孩子阅读兴趣。这个级别适合10~11岁小学高年级孩子阅读,篇幅约1000词。整套内容与“义务教育英语课程标准”相结合,内容80%以上都是课标词汇,让课外阅读与课内学习相关联,孩子更有成就感。 用每页注释栏的形式标出该页新出现的所有课标词和拓展词以及常用结构,书后附有单词表和译文,实现“无障碍英语阅读”,增强孩子自信心。每册配套附赠英文音频,区分“常速版”和“跟读版”,适合不同学习场景,锻炼地道口语表达。