
作者: (英国)肯尼思·格雷厄姆 等
出版社: 译林
原售价: 400.00
折扣价: 220.00
折扣购买: 有声双语经典(第1辑共10册)(精)
ISBN: 9787544785082




第1章 河岸 一整个儿上午,鼹鼠都在努力干活儿,他在春季大扫除。先用扫帚扫,再用掸子掸,接着提来了一大桶涂料。他被灰尘迷了眼、呛了嗓,毛皮上溅上了白色的涂料,他忙得后背生疼。 “我受够了。”鼹鼠说。他连外套都没穿就冲出了门去。上面有什么在召唤他去迎接阳光和空气。 鼹鼠又是抓又是挠,又是挠又是抓,小爪子忙个不停。直到噗的一声,他的鼻尖钻出了地面,伸进了阳光里。鼹鼠开始在一片温暖的大草坪上打起滚来。 太好玩儿啦!他想,这可比刷墙有趣多了!温暖的阳光洒在他的毛皮上,微风轻拂他的额头。鸟儿们的欢唱让他意识到地下的生活有多么孤独。他立刻欢蹦乱跳着穿过草坪,心情飞扬。 “站住!”一只老兔子说,“这是私家道路,想走得交六便士!” 这并没有阻止鼹鼠的脚步,他继续在草坪上欢蹦乱跳,鸟儿、花儿和微风都让他开心。他发现周围的动物们都在忙忙碌碌——只有他在玩儿!他这才意识到假期最令人开心的并不是自己得到休息,而是看着别人辛勤工作。 他从未想过还有比草坪更让他开心的地方,直到遇见了一条河!他以前从没见过河,立刻被它汩汩作响的水流声吸引。他盯着闪闪发光、熠熠生辉的河面,出神了。 他坐在草地上看着河对岸,河岸上一个黑洞吸引了他的注意。他正在想那个洞对于梦想在河边安家的动物来说是多么合适,就在这时,一个什么东西从洞里冒了出来,对他眨着眼睛。那是一个长着胡须的棕色小脑袋,耳朵小巧,毛发浓密柔顺,是一只河鼠! 两只小动物站着,小心翼翼地互相打量了一会儿。 “你好,鼹鼠!”河鼠说。 “你好,河鼠!”鼹鼠说。 “你愿意到我这里来吗?”河鼠问。 鼹鼠正愁怎样才能到对岸去,这时他看到河鼠解开一条绳子,上了船。鼹鼠这才注意到那条船,它外面刷了蓝色的漆,里面是白色的漆。那条船刚好坐下两只小动物。虽然鼹鼠刚开始并不确定那是什么,当船驶到他面前时,他立马爬了上去。 CHAPTER 1 The River Bank Mole had been working hard all morning long. He was spring cleaning with brooms, dusters, and a pail of whitewash. His eyes were filled with dust. His throat was filled with dust. Splashes of whitewash covered his fur. His back ached. “I’ve had enough,” said Mole. He bolted out the door without putting on his coat. Something above was calling him up to the sun and air. So he scraped and scratched and scratched and scraped with his paws until pop! His snout came out into the sunlight. Mole found himself rolling in the warm grass of a large meadow. This is fun! he thought. This is better than 88 whitewashing. The sunshine felt warm on his fur. Soft breezes touched his brow. The songs of birds reminded him how alone he had been underground. Jumping on all four legs at once, he ran across the meadow. His heart raced. “Stop!” said an old rabbit. “This is a private road. You must pay six pennies to pass.” But Mole didn’t stop. He continued exploring the meadow. The birds, flowers, and breeze made him happy. He noticed all the creatures working around him—working while he played! He took great pleasure realizing that the best part of a holiday is not resting but seeing everyone else working. He didn’t think he could feel any happier than he did in the meadow. But then he came upon a river! He had never seen a river before. He was fascinated by the gurgling sound of the water. The glints, gleams, and sparkles mesmerized him. As he sat on the grass and looked across the river, a dark hole in the bank caught his eye. He dreamed it would be the perfect home for an animal who longed to live by the river. Just then, something popped out of the hole and winked at Mole. It was a little brown face with whiskers. It had small ears and thick, silky hair. It was a water rat! The two animals stood and stared at each other cautiously. “Hello, Mole!” said Rat. “Hello, Rat!” said Mole. “Would you like to come over?” asked Rat. Mole was wondering how he’d reach the other side when he saw Rat unfasten a rope and step into a boat. Mole hadn’t noticed the boat before. It was painted blue outside and white inside. It was the perfect size for two small animals. Even though Mole wasn’t exactly sure what it was, he stepped into it when it arrived. 有声双语经典(第一辑)精选10部世界成长经典,英文文本由美国教育专家精编改写、高考听力主播有声书朗读。全套系由著名儿童文学作家黄蓓佳倾情推荐。 两辑共20部世界经典名著,对应喜马拉雅有声剧《韩雪讲给孩子的世界经典名著》。该广播剧由韩雪演播中文部分,一人演绎100多个角色。英文部分由纯正美音录制,在孩子的语言关键期,帮助孩子磨耳朵,培养英文语感。以图文并茂、文字与声音魅力相结合的方式,让孩子能够通过自己喜欢的方式阅读世界经典,家长能够与孩子全心共享共同成长的美好时光。