出版社: 商务印书馆
原售价: 368.00
折扣价: 254.00
折扣购买: 两汉魏晋南北朝与西域关系史研究 (英文版)/西域上古史研究
ISBN: 9787100189675
INTRODUCTION “The Western Regions” is a geographical concept as seen in the “official history books” of the Western Han 漢, Eastern Han 漢, Cao-Wei 曹魏, Western Jin 晉, and Northern and Southern dynasties, which refers to a vast region to the west of the Yumen 玉門 and Yang 陽 Barriers under most circumstances, but sometimes refers to the Tarim Basin and its surrounding area. In other words, it had both a broad sense and a narrow sense. In this book, “the Western Regions” is used in the broad sense, but the focal point of the study is located in the region which is called Central Asia today, especially to the east of the Pamirs. This was determined by the actual relationship between the Western Regions and the Western Han 漢, Eastern Han 漢, Cao-Wei 曹魏, Western Jin 晉, and Northern and Southern dynasties. The study of the history of the relationship between the Western Han 漢, Eastern Han 漢, Wei 魏, Jin 晉, and Northern and Southern dynasties and the Western Regions is an important topic in the study of ancient Chinese history; its significance is self-evident. The task of this book is to ascertain the related historical facts as far as possible. The facts can be summarized as follows: The purpose of the Western Han 漢, Eastern Han 漢, Cao-Wei 曹魏, Western Jin 晉, and Northern and Southern dynasties in managing the Western Regions can be summed up with the statement “it would be possible to extend [Han 漢] territory for 10,000 li 里. With [the help of] a series of interpreters, those whose customs were exotic could be brought to court, and imperial power and prestige could be exercised throughout the area within the Four Seas”. It is quite obvious that this purpose was mainly political. In contrast, the purpose of the various states of the Western Regions in contacting the Western Han 漢, Eastern Han 漢, Cao-Wei 曹魏, Western Jin 晉, and Northern and Southern dynasties was primarily economical, namely the “wish to exchange their goods and conduct trade”. Of course, they were also the interested in absorbing the advanced culture of the latter, namely they “admired and took pleasure in the Middle Kingdom”. In addition, the various states to the east of the Pamirs also sought protection from the depredations of the nomadic tribes beyond the Great Wall. 本丛书的研究范畴是公元前六世纪至公元六世纪的中亚史。 这一时段的中亚史有各种原始资料,其中汉语资料无疑是最关键的。可以说,没有汉语资料,这一时段的中亚史无法构建。西方(包括印度、俄罗斯)学者研究这一时段的中亚史已有一个半世纪,成绩可圈可点。其主要缺点是没有充分利用汉语史料。弥补这一缺憾的是日本学者,从白鸟库吉算起,至少已有四代学者投身这一时段的中亚史研究,其主要特色正是利用汉语史料。可惜的是,日本学者很少英译自己的论著,西方学者又多不习日语,因而日本学者的有关成果罕见引用。余氏的研究不仅填补了中国中亚史研究的空白,而且比日本学者更充分地利用了汉文史料,且不说余氏以汉语为母语,对汉语史料的理解应胜过日本学者。 该文集的出版则有助于西方学者理解和运用汉语史料,使国内中亚史的研究深入世界,继而使得世界史意义上的古代中亚史研究更上层楼。 十本英文著作大部分已在国外发表。著者的译文均经Prof. Victor H. Mair(梅维恒)和Dr. Bruce Doar(陶步思)修改、编辑。两位都是优秀的学者——母语是英语、精通汉语、有丰富的编辑经验、熟悉古代中亚历史,最主要的是极端负责的工作精神。十本英语论著发表时间跨度较大(1990—2017),又经过不同的英语编辑,原译文差异不小,这一次由著者本人历时2年,做了统一译文的工作。研究两汉时期中西交通史的经典专着