
作者: 李洪|译者:朱建廷
出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 79.80
折扣价: 43.90
折扣购买: 茶与茶具(英文版)
ISBN: 9787508517162



Basic Tea Classifi cation Black Tea Black tea, created in the early 17th century (some believe that it was the 19th century), originated from today’s Tongmuguang, Wuyishan City, Fujian. It is also called Souchong Black Tea, which is the fi rst black tea in the world. Types of black tea according to process Black tea is characterized by red liquid and red leaves. The rough process technology of black tea is: plucking fresh leaves → sun withering → twisting or cutting → fermenting → drying. Black tea is classifi ed into black strip tea and black broken tea. Black strip tea production requires full fermentation. The fl avor is mellow and sweet. It is compressed by two rollers at different speeds, cut and rolled. The fermentation degree is light. The polyphenol content in the tea is high. The taste is strong and fresh. In general, red strip tea is suitable for drinking without seasonings while red broken tea is more suitable for drinking with other additives. Red strip tea is classifi ed into Kongfu and Souchong black tea. Famous black tea: Souchong Lapsang Souchong It is classifi ed into Lapsang souchong and Waishan souchong. Lapsang souchong, produced in Tongmuguan, Xingcun Village of Wuyishan National Nature Reserve, is alsocalled Xingcun souchong or Tongmuguan souchong. Souchong, produced in Shaowu, Guangze, Zhenghe, Tanyang, Beiling, Gutian, Pingnan, Shaxian of Fujian and Qianshan of Jiangxi, is of poor quality and is called Waishan souchong or artificial souchong, no longer in the market today. However, thanks to its century-old popularity, Lapsang souchong is popular among European countries, especially the royalty of the UK. The leaves of the dry tea are compact and thick. It is dark with a lingering pine aroma. The liquid is yellow and tastes mellow with a longan fl avor. The brewed leaves are thick and bronze-colored. 中国茶对于中国人来说,已经不仅仅是一种饮品,经过几千年的传承,茶已经演变成为具有浓郁中国风情的文化。品饮中国茶,即是体味中国文化。本系列图书图文并茂地介绍了茶与茶具、烹茶技艺、普洱茶、绿茶和乌龙茶,介绍中国名茶的基础知识,并回答与茶与茶具有关的一些常识性问题,引导外国读者认识中国茶,具有很强的实用性和可操作性。