
作者: (印)拉宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔
出版社: 云南人民
原售价: 32.00
折扣价: 18.60
折扣购买: 新月集(英文版)
ISBN: 9787222177826




The sleep that flits on baby’s eyes--does anybody know from where it comes? Yes, there is a rumour that it has its dwelling where, in the fairy village among shadows of the forest dimly lit with glow-worms, there hang two shy buds of enchantment. From there it comes to kiss baby’s eyes. The smile that flickers on baby’s lips when he sleeps- -does anybody know where it was born? Yes, there is a rumour that a young pale beam of a crescent moon touched the edge of a vanishing autumn cloud, and there the smile was first born in the dream of a dew- washed morning--the smile that flickers on baby’s lips when he sleeps. “谁从婴儿的眼中窃去了睡眠?我必须知道……正午时分,孩童的戏耍时间已经结束;池塘里的鸭子沉默无声。牧童在榕树的树阴下睡去了,白鹤庄严而安静地立在芒果树旁的泥沼中。此时,窃眠者进来,从婴儿的眼中偷走了睡眠,飞走了。” 还有比这更优美的文字吗?只有在《新月集》里,我们才能读到这种天真、稚嫩的情趣。一首首诗仿佛具有一种深不可测的魔力,将我们带到美丽和平的世界;将我们从怀疑、贪婪的罪恶中,带入儿童新月之国里,让我们重新唤起儿时的好奇与无边的想象,沉浸在探索未知世界的冒险中。