于尚平,男,汉族,中共党员。毕业于新疆师范大学宗教学专业,哲学硕士,助理研究员,主要从事新疆宗教问题研究。现为新疆宗教学会理事、新疆地方法治研究会常务理事。 Yu Shangping, male, a Han Chinese, a member of the Communist Party of China. He was graduated from the Department of Religion of Xinjiang Normal University as a Master of Philosophy and an assistantresearch fellow. Since then he has been engaging in researches on religious issues of Xinjiang. He is the director of Xinjiang Religious Institute and the executive director of the local law society.
本书介绍了新疆的宗教。本着客观公正的态度,对新疆宗教现状做了全面的描述。读完这本书,对新疆多种宗教的情况有了基本的认识,新疆宗教的真实面貌呈现在了读者面前。 This book comprehensively introduces the religions and their status quo in Xinjiang in an objective and impartial manner. You will get a basic knowledge and learn the true picture of religions in Xinjiang after reading it.