CIHA Journal of Art History (Volume 1, 2021): Terms of Engagement(国际艺术史学会学刊(第一卷,2021))
彼得?施内曼(Peter J. Schneemann),伯尔尼大学艺术史研究所教授,现当代艺术史系主任,研究方向包括美国艺术史、话语分析、艺术观察范式、生态学、艺术教育、档案、艺术展览和博物馆学等。 蒂里?迪弗勒内(Thierry Dufrêne),为巴黎南泰尔大学当代艺术史教授,曾于2004年至2016年担任国际艺术史学会委员会科学秘书。曾出版《绝美的人偶,妮基?桑法勒与当代艺术家的人偶创作》《莫雷尔的发明:图像机器》等,策划展览“萨尔瓦多?达利个展”“莫雷尔的发明”等。
Thanks in part to the work of Wassily Kandinsky and Piet Mondrian, Abstract Expressionism has freed Art from the shackles of representation, although how to study non-representational art remains an issue. Besides mentalité and sociohistorical contexts, we need to study the noumenon of Art as well. As an epitome of the noumenon of Art, shufa provides a critical lens for us to rethink the issue of engagement, in reference to both arts in its infancy, during early human history, and modern art such as abstract art. Chinese art history is not all about shufa and xieyi painting, beyond which there are plentiful written documents, visual images, and material cultures worthy of research. The tripartite of image-word-thing as a gateway of studying human civilization serves to validate seemingly “non-artistic” images or objects as suitable subjects for historical study. As a discipline of the Humanities, Art History has been steering towards imagology (Bildwisssenschaft), i.e., studying images as a way of addressing a wide range of issues on history and humanity. This does not mean we no longer need history of art-itself, i.e., art in history. If our study of images fails to address the core aesthetic ideas and values that have come into being in a culture in the longue durée, then it can only be counted as a science of picture, not Art History. 艺术家和艺术史学家永不停歇的“介入”。1. 为世界各地艺术史的研究学者提供展示学术成果的平台。 2. 从北美原住民当代艺术到中国传统书法,再到巴洛克艺术,本书主题广泛、多元,对于普通的艺术和艺术爱好者来说,是一个了解各国艺术的窗口。 3. 集结世界各国大学、研究所的艺术家与艺术史学者,作者们以深厚的学术与理论功底,对“介入”这一概念做深入诠释。国内艺术史、艺术理论等领域的研究者读来也会有所启发和帮助。