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原售价: 55.80
折扣价: 31.80
折扣购买: 2023考研英语翻译100篇
ISBN: 9787519239718
华研是国内知名的英语教育类图书策划机构,致力为英语学习者提供高效的方法和优质的内容。旗下“华研外语”品牌涵盖大学英语四六级、考研英语、英语专业四八级、雅思、高考英语、英语AB级、中小学英语等系列图书。 TOPWAY是华研的做事原则,表明方法得当就会事半功倍,让您花更少的时间取得更好的学习效果;“沙里淘金”是华研的思维方式,通过语料库分析、词汇分频、难度分级等诸多科学手段,让您抓住问题的关键,用20%的精力取得80%的成效,体现“二八定律”,从而达到“四两拨千斤”的效果。
Passage 26 笛卡尔的哲学沉思录 In the whole history of western thought, there is only one man of whom it can be said that all philosophy after him was different because of him. That man is René Descartes (1596-1650), the great French mathematician, physicist, physiologist, and philosopher who flourished during the first part of the seventeenth century. (1)The most influential of his many writings were Meditations, in which he posed the fundamental question that was to haunt all subsequent thinkers to this very day. Like all profound questions, it is deceptively simple in appearance: Is there anything of which I can be certain? To be sure, philosophers had before Descartes asked, What can we know? They had even asked, What can we know with certainty? But Descartes asked, What can I know with certainty? And therein lies a revolution in thought. All of us proceed from day to day accepting all manner of propositions which we could not prove if challenged. I believe that the earth is a sphere, that matter is composed of atoms, etc. (2)I don’t imagine I could do a very good job of proving all these beliefs to someone who really doubted them, but I take it for granted that someone could—a physicist or biologist or geographer. (3)Suppose now, just as an exercise, that I put a little “doubtful” tag on every one of my beliefs which I can’t absolutely prove with perfect certainty. Suppose, in other words, that I clear 考研英语翻译2023,适用对象: 基础薄弱、需要提高翻译能力的考研英语一考生;参加各类英译汉笔译考试的考生;对翻译感兴趣的英语爱好者。 推荐理由: 1.考研英语翻译100篇训练,实践出真知; 2.考研英语翻译6大主题分类训练,真题同源选材,全面覆盖考点; 3.考研英语翻译解析详细,词-句-译三管齐下,稳步突破英译汉; 4.配套视频课程讲解考研英语翻译,快速掌握翻译技巧; 5.考研英语翻译指导行之有效,容易掌握; 6.赠送备考视频课,随时随地学习。