中国网络安全等级保护制度理解与实施 英文版

中国网络安全等级保护制度理解与实施 英文版
作者: Guo Qiquan
出版社: 人民邮电
原售价: 99.80
折扣价: 69.90
折扣购买: 中国网络安全等级保护制度理解与实施 英文版
ISBN: 9787115558671


Mr. Guo Qiquan,chief engineer and vice director at the Cybersecurity Protection Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, P. R. China. Mr. Wang Xinjie, general manager of Beijing Powertime Co., Ltd. He has been engaged in network and information security since 1999 and has specialized in in information security management systems consulting and auditing, information system auditing, information security risk management and business continuity management. Since 2002, he has been engaged in the Chinese mirror committee to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27, SAC/TC 260. As a member of TC 260 has been involved in the development of many Chinese information security national standards. He has been actively involved in the work of SC27/WG1 since 2007, and he is currently the member of the SC27/AG01(Management Advisory Group). During this time, he has taken part in all of the working group meetings of WG1 including many of the SC27 Plenary meetings, giving him a broader management perspective of the sub-committee and its technical work. His technical work in WG1 has included the work on the ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards, such ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27002 and ISO/IEC 27005. In 2007, he was the co-editor of ISO/IEC 27007. He established and currently runs the China authorized agency of (ISC)2, and is also a member of RAISE (Regional Asia Information Security Exchange Forum)


市面仅有的全面解读中国网络安全等级保护标准体系及等级保护实施的读本 业内专家对中国网络安全等级保护制度的深入阐释; 来自官方团队的中国网络安全等级保护标准体系全面解读; 切实指导中国网络安全等级保护落地实施的指南; 助力一带一路等国外组织和公司在中国做好信息安全合规,确保业务平顺