
作者: 陈庆英|责编:张美景|总主编:陈庆英|译者:傅春
出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 118.00
折扣价: 63.72
折扣购买: 流年乾坤(西藏历史述略)(英文版)/人文西藏
ISBN: 9787508544601


陈庆英(1941— ),男,著名藏学学者。研究员。四川省南充人,1964年青海师范学院毕业,在海西州德令哈中学和州民族师范学校教书。1981年中央民族学院古藏文专业研究生毕业,获文学硕士学位,在青海社会科学院和中国藏学研究中心从事藏族历史研究。著有《元朝帝师八思巴》、《蒙藏关系史大系政治卷》等,是《西藏通史》两主编之一。翻译的藏文典籍有:《论西藏政教合一制度》、《王统世系明鉴》、《汉藏史集》、《红史》、《萨迦世系史》等。


Dozens of Tibetan tribal alliances co-existed around 600 AD. Forty small states in Tibet were then merged into twelve states. According to Dunhuang-Version Historical Records of the Tubo Kingdom, the twelve small states include Zhangzhung? located in west Ngari and Ladakh; Myangro Pred Kar, Gnubs Gyi Gling Dguv and Myangro Shangpo in the current Gyangze;? Vbrog Mo Snam Gsum in the current Yadong? and Sikkim; Skyi Rovi Ljang Sngon, Ngas Povi Khra Sum and Klum Rovi Ya Sum in the Lhasa River Valley; Dbye Mo Yul Bzhi, Oyul Gyi Spang Kar and Rngegs Yul Kyi Gru Bzhi in the current Shannan; Rkong La Bre Snar, Myang Yul Gyi Rta Gsum and Dags Kyi Gru Bzhi in the current Nyingchi and eastern Shannan; Mchims Yul Gyi Dgu Yulin Samye of Shannan; Sumpa from North Tibet Prairie to Yushu and Gantse. It was called by Chinese historical records as a big tribe of West Qiang; Spu Rgyal, which later established the Tubo Kingdom, is located in Qonggyai ?of Shannan. 本书编写的主旨,是力图以简明扼要的文字,比较系统地表现西藏各个历史阶段的重要内容,以说明西藏历史发展的主要线索。笔者在编写过程中,注意参考前人的有关论著,也尽量吸收西藏历史研究中新的成果。