任康丽,教授,华中科技大学设计学系主任,主要在华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院从事环境艺术设计专业的教学与研究已有十多年, 研究方向为博物馆室内外环境设计,酒店室内外环境艺术设计、庭院景观设计。2010-2011年在美国佛罗里达州立大学室内设计系做访问学者,2012年参加美国IDEC室内设计教育委员会的年会,并代表发言。在专业期刊上发表学术论文数篇,并有在研课题两个,都是关于博物馆室内外环境设计研究的内容。
本书是湖北省公益学术著作出版专项资金资助项目成果。 一座城市的文脉和灵魂,体现在它的历史文化上,也是其文化自信的根基。作为生活在汉口的城市居民,自然就因为这座城市拥有源远流长、独具特色的历史文化而感到自豪与荣耀。汉口镇生发于河口型沙洲之上,作为地理单元的“汉口地方”最早见于宋代黄干《勉斋集》中“本军城下并汉口共三千家”的记载;清同治《汉阳县志》中“明洪武间,汉口亦芦洲耳”,“嘉靖四年丈量,上岸有张天舜等房屋六百三十间”;嘉靖时汉口地方民居渐多始有街市,市镇初具规模;万历二十二年前,汉口因街成镇,渐成长江中游重要商埠,货集四方,与河南朱仙镇、江西景德镇、广东佛山镇并称全国四大名镇;清《广阳杂记》中也将汉口、北京、苏州、佛山共称“天下四聚”,当时河南、江西、四川、湖南、广西、云南等地货物,都在汉口转输。随着商业与文化交流活动的推进,汉口更为繁荣,演绎出多样共生的地域性传统建筑文化。 1851年汉口开埠,汉口与上海、天津、广州、青岛成为中国五大商埠,外轮进入内江内河,沿汉口英租界河街出现多个洋码头。20世纪初京汉铁路相继铺设,水陆交通趋向发达,使汉口成为联系国内市场与国际市场的现代都市。江轮、港轮能够从汉口抵达荷兰、德国、日本、美国、英国、比利时等国家,到20世纪初各国侨民纷纷来汉口开设洋行、银行及商业代办机构,致使西方的酒店、医院、剧院、公寓等不同类型的建筑在汉口相继出现,呈现风格迥异、多姿多彩的局面。汉口原五国租界区成为具有鲜明特色、中西方荟聚的文化区。 目前,汉口原五国租界各类历史建筑成为武汉市重要的文化地标。尽管在城市现代化的时代背景下,这些历史建筑正面对着高楼大厦的视觉冲击,但其特有空间形态、装饰风格却成为地域性特色亮点。不仅研究者们在不断分析、扩展汉口建筑研究领域,了解那个时代汉口建筑工匠、材料、建筑构造技术等一系列建构问题,而且热衷汉口历史的城市居民也自发形成特定的研究团队,逐楼逐栋地考察、调研、挖掘这些近代建筑的历史文化奥秘与建筑艺术精髓。 汉口原租界建筑中装饰图形异彩纷呈,不仅融入了内陆的传统风格,而且还受到西方多个国家近代装饰风格影响,呈现出国际性、民族性、地域性的多元文化整合烙印。就技术层面而言,汉口近代建筑装饰材料普遍务实,利用地方材料表现出卓越的建造智慧,并能节约用料,讲究品质。 汉口近代建筑装饰多元呈现,其风格与审美表达还包括本民族固有传统形式与中西结合独特形式。在原租界区,西方建筑风格的巴洛克样式、洛可可图案、新古典主义、新艺术运动、现代装饰艺术等充分融合,其建筑装饰特征具有鲜明倾向,特别是在建筑女儿墙、檐口、外窗、墙面、外廊、拱券、柱式、楼梯、扶手等构造中,生动呈现。从装饰题材看,大多数为植物图像和几何图像,动物和人物图像也有发现,色彩清晰。研究这些带有典型特征建筑装饰图像来源、构造方式、材料特点,以及与之对应的图形象征性内涵都具有现实意义。希望这本书能给武汉古旧建筑保护再设计、施工、学术研究提供发掘汉口历史建筑新的视角,为汉口原租界历史建筑装饰图形理论研究提供明细资料,为建筑装饰风格再识别、材料技术科考提供实证内容,为中西方图形设计在建筑结构上的运用方法提供可视性参考,为科学规划、保护、修复、合理利用历史建筑提供多维度设计思路。 The cultural context of a city, reflected in the details of historical buildings, is an important foundation for its cultural confidence. As a resident who has lived in the original concession area of Hankou since childhood, I am not only passionate about this historical and cultural city from the bottom of my heart, but also proud and honored because of the unique architectural memories. Hankou is locatedin the sandbar with the river mouth. As a geographical unit, the “Hankou area” was first seen in Huang Qian’s 《Mian Zhai Collection》 of the Song Dynasty, which recorded “there are three thousand households in the city of Hanyang and Hankou”; in the 《Hanyang County Chronicles of Tongzhi》 of the Qing Dynasty “During the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, Hankou was reed area”, “In the fourth year of Jiajing’s reign measurements, there were 630 houses of Zhang Tianshun and others on the shore”; during the Jiajing period, there were more and more local residents in Hankou and markets and towns began to take shape; before 1594, Hankou became a town due to its more streets. It gradually became an important commercial port in the middle velley of the Yangtze River. In the country with goods from all directions, It was one of the four famous towns along with Zhuxian Town in Henan, Jingdezhen in Jiangxi, and Foshan Town in Guangdong. It was also listed in 《Guangyang Miscellaneous Notes》 of the Qing Dynasty, Hankou, Beijing, Suzhou and Foshan were collectively known as the “Four Gatherings of Chinese Nation”. At that time, products from Henan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Hunan, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places were transferred through Hankou. With the advancement of commercial and cultural exchange activities, Hankou has become more prosperous, interpreting a diverse and symbiotic regional traditional architectural culture. In 1851, Hankou openedthe port. Hankou, together with Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Qingdao, became the five major commercial ports in China. Foreign ships entered the inner rivers and many foreign ports appeared along the river street of the British Concession in Hankou. At the beginning of the 20th century, the BeijingHankou Railway was laid successively, and water and land transportation became more developed, making Hankou a modern city connecting the domestic market and the international market. River ships and ocean ships could reach the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Belgium and other countries from Hankou. By the beginning of the 20th century, foreigners from various countries came to Hankou to open foreign companies, foreign banks and commercial agencies, Western hotels, hospitals, theaters and apartments. Different types of buildings have appeared one after another in Hankou, presenting a colorful and different style. The former FiveNation Concession areas in Hankou have become a cultural area with distinctive characteristics and a gathering of both East and the West. At present, various historical buildings in the former FiveNation Concession in Hankou have become important cultural landmarks in Wuhan City. Although these historical buildings are facing the visual impact of highrising buildings in the context of urban modernization, their unique spatial forms and decorative styles have become regional highlights. Not only are researchers constantly analyzing and expanding the field of Hankou architectural research, and understanding a series of construction issues such as Hankou’s construction craftsmen, materials, and building construction techniques in that era, but also are urban residents who are passionate about Hankou’s history and also spontaneously formed specific research teams to conduct research on each building one by one. We will inspect, research, and unearth the historical and cultural mysteries and architectural art essence of these modern buildings. The decorative graphics in the original concession buildings in Hankou are colorful, not only incorporating the traditional inland styles and earlier colonial architectural styles, but also being influenced by the modern decorative styles of many Western countries, showing international, national and regional diversity. They reflects cultural integration imprint. From a technical perspective, Hankou’s modern building decorative materials are generally pragmatic, showing excellent construction wisdom by using local materials, saving materials and paying attention to quality. Hankou’s modern architectural decoration is diverse and its style and aesthetic expression also include the nation’s inherent traditional forms and the unique combination of Chinese and Western forms. In the original concession areas, Western architectural styles such as Baroque, Rococo, neoclassicism, Art Nouveau, and Art Deco were fully integrated. Its architectural decorative features have a distinct tendency, especially in building parapets, cornices, exterior windows, walls, verandahs, arches, columns, stairs, handrails. Judging from the decorative themes, most of them are plant images and geometric images. Images of animals and figures are also found with clear colors. It is of practical significance to study the sources, construction methods, material characteristics and corresponding graphic symbolic connotations of these typical architectural decoration images. I hope that this book can provide a new perspective for the protection and renovation of Wuhan’s historical buildings, design and construction and academic research, provide detailed information for theoretical research on decorative graphics of historical buildings in the original concession in Hankou and provide information for the reidentification of architectural decoration styles and scientific research on material technology. The empirical content provides a visual reference for the application of Chinese and Western graphic design on architectural structures and provides multidimensional design ideas for protection, restoration and rational utilization of historical buildings. 这本著作对近代汉口原租界历史建筑装饰设计内容有非常详细的文字和图示内容。目前国内还没有专门论述汉口近代建筑装饰的书籍,书中对各类装饰风格和建筑现状特征、历史价值等也做出准确评价和分析,找到实证依据和国外当时的资料进行类比。虽然汉口近代建筑在一次次城市更新中逐渐减少,有些甚至损毁,但其在建筑装饰上深厚的文化价值与艺术价值仍亟待我们去思考和发掘。本书与其它同类书而言,史料有非常细致的整理基础,地域性建筑装饰的研究内容相当丰富,开创了部分新的研究领域,全文逻辑性较强,具有一定的学术水平。