
作者: 编者:徐鲁|责编:江一常|译者:王国振
出版社: 宁波
原售价: 66.00
折扣价: 41.10
折扣购买: “一带一路”沿线国家儿童文学经典书系(第一辑)·中国卷
ISBN: 9787552645835


主编简介: 徐鲁,诗人、散文家、儿童文学作家。中国作家协会第九、第十届儿童文学委员会委员。作品曾获中国国家图书奖、陈伯吹国际儿童文学奖、屈原文艺奖等。 译者简介: 王国振,中国外文局英文译审。曾任中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室英文专家小组成员,“五个一工程”奖评委。翻译和审定了大量国家出版项目。


七岔犄角的公鹿 Male Deer with Seven-Forked Antlers 乌热尔图 Ureltu 今天,我能遇见什么呢?瞧,林子真好。天挺蓝挺蓝的,没有雾,也没有风。山坡上的雪真白,林子里静悄悄的,松树和桦树好像都在做着梦,准是美好的梦,也许它们正等待我来唤醒它们。 我放轻脚步,慢慢地攀上山顶。这是一个漂亮的山峰,像巨人一样魁伟。它的背上长满褐色的松树、白色的桦树;它的前胸十分光洁,盖着白雪,侧面是片凹下去的向阳坡,那里能避风、避寒;它的肩上,立着石崖,一座很威风的石崖,真像一个骄傲的昂起的人头。这里准有野兽。我轻轻地走着,雪在脚下发出轻微的脆响。没叫我失望,那片桦树林里真有野兽的影子在晃动。这是我第一次单独遭遇野兽,心比平时跳得要猛,猛上好多倍,全身都跟着颤抖,两条腿变得没有一点劲儿。我又朝前走了几步,看清了那头野兽所在的地方,咬紧牙,倚着一棵树干,瞄准黑影端平猎枪。枪响了,野兽晃了晃,差点摔倒,踉跄着奔出树林。这时,我看准了——是野鹿,一头非常健壮的公鹿,它头上顶着磨得光闪闪的犄角,犄角分成七个支岔,很有气势,是灰白色的。 What can I meet today? Look, the woods were so beautiful and the sky was very blue. There was no fog, no wind. The snow on the hillside was really white, and the woods being deathly quiet. The pines and birches seemed to be having beautiful dreams. Maybe they were waiting for me to wake them up. I stepped lightly and climbed slowly to the top of the mountain. This is a beautiful peak as high as a giant. Its back is covered with brown pine and white birch. Its front was very smooth, covered with snow. Its side was a concave sunny slope, where the trees could shelter from the wind and cold. On its shoulder stood a stone cliff, a very majestic rock cliff, which was really like a proud head. There must be wild animals here. As I walked gently, the snow crackled slightly under my feet. It didn’t disappoint me. The shadows of wild animals shook in that birch forest. This was the first time I had encountered a wild animal alone. My heart beat more fiercely than usual. My whole body trembled and my legs became weak. I took a few more steps forward, saw where the beast was, clenched my teeth, leaned against a tree trunk, aimed at the shadow and leveled the shotgun. The gun went off, and the beast almost fell down, but then struggled up and ran out of the woods. At this time, I was sure——it was a wild deer, a very strong male deer, with its polished horns on its head——horns divided into seven branches, very powerful and gray.