环球时报赴新疆报道组由长期从事外交、涉疆、民族宗教、反恐报道的资深记者组成,力争在中西截然不同的舆论频道之间寻找接口。 Global Times reporters and commentators have been resolutely engaged in a public opinion war, presenting the outside world with the real facts and pragmatic logic of the human rights situation in Xinjiang from the very heart of the autonomous region.
Matkasim Tudi, a trainee at the center, now is also in charge of running a printing plant. He and some other trainees raised 4.5 million yuan (about 9,400) to purchase printing machines and started their businesses in July 2018 after moving into the plant, which was built by the local government, he told the Global Times. He said that the plant had received 3.7 million yuan in orders since July, which mainly included printing notebooks for students. It would take three to four months to finish the orders. Workers at the plant earn about 1,500 yuan a month, plus bonuses. Most of them give the money to their families since they have free room and board. Trainees can get up to 600 yuan in subsidies and at least two days off a week during training, a manager surnamed Yuan from a footwear plant at the center told the Global Times. 《关于新疆的谣言与真相》用大量图文向读者揭示:只有坚决打击宗教极端、民族分裂、暴力恐怖“三股势力”才是对新疆各民族群众人权的保障。 This illustrated book, Lies and Truth on Xinjiang: Exposing the US-Led Infowar Against China, reveals that only the eradication of the “three evil forces” of separatism, extremism and terrorism can guarantee the human rights of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.