关汉卿,字汉卿,晚号已斋叟。约生于金末,卒于元成宗大德年间。他“生而倜傥。博学能文,滑稽多智,蕴藉风流,为一时之冠”(《析津志》)。一生主要在大都从事戏曲创作,晚年到过杭州。亦熟谙戏曲表演艺术。与杨显之、王和卿、珠帘秀等人交往甚密。所作杂剧今知有六十余种。散曲作品现存套数十余套,小令五十余首。与郑光祖、白朴、马致远并称“元曲四大家”。 Guan Hanqing, as one of the most important poets in Yuan Dynasty, is very erudite and having great talent in composing poems. And he is also a famous dramatist, along with Zheng Guangzu, Baipu and Ma Zhiyuan, they were known as the “Four Greatest.
人月圆 卜居外家东园 (一) 重冈已隔红尘断,村落更年丰。 移居要就,窗中远岫,舍后长松。 十年种木,一年种谷,都付儿童。 老夫惟有:醒来明月,醉后清风。 元曲有较为严整的格律定式,虽有定格,并不死板,有较大的灵活性。元曲将传统诗词、民歌和方言俗语糅为一体,形成了诙谐、洒脱、率真的艺术风格,对后世词体的创新与发展具有重要的影响。 We may say Yuan poets have inherited the poetic tradition to inspire, reflect, communicate and criticize and developed in accordance with the times, popularied poetry, liberalized versification and diversified the metrical forms.