陈坚:现任中央党史和文献研究院研究员,先后发表《党的群众路线形成与发展》等100余篇文章;出版《群众路线与党内教育活动》《人民至上》《当代中国政治》等10余部著作。 严哲文:毕业于复旦大学历史系,博士,现任中央党史和文献研究院助理研究员,参与过多项国家级课题,具有扎实的学术和理论功底。
“The entire historical experience of the Communist Party of China proves that it is both crucial and difficult to identify the historical orientation of the Party itself. Over the past 80 years of the development of the Communist Party of China, all the great victories and developments have relied on correct understanding of the historical orientation, while all the serious mistakes and failures are closely related to deviations and mistakes of historical orientation. The lessons of history have repeatedly shown that unclear orientation will lead to unclear direction.” The assertion that “China is still and will long remain in the primary stage of socialism” is exactly the correct understanding of the historical orientation of our country when CPC is in full power...... “中国读本”丛书,以让世界更好地读懂中国为出发点,重点向国外读者介绍中国道路、中国理论、中国制度和中国实践。