
作者: 编者:郭伯南//包倩怡|译者:王平兴//艾梅霞
出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 198.00
折扣价: 106.92
折扣购买: 简明中外文明发展进程(英文版)
ISBN: 9787508536415


郭伯南,1933年生,河北省任丘市人。河北北京师院文学系毕业。《人民中国》杂志社编审。主要编著有:《中华五千年史话》等。 包倩怡,1975年生,浙江省余姚市人。中国对外经济贸易大学英语学院经济学学士和文学硕士;后为中国对外经济贸易大学讲师,从事英语教学、欧洲史专题研究和该专题的研究生课程教学工作。曾受商务部派遣,赴欧盟翻译总司接受同声传译培训。主要作品有:《迷人的侧影》(收于《欧亨利短篇小说选》)等。


As human civilization involves such aspects as politics, the economy, society, the military, religion, and education, it is not easy to cover major developments within such a limited space as one volume. We have tried our best to achieve the following: One. Informativeness. The 1,500 entries in this book trace the history of major world civilizations from prehistory to the early twentieth century, including major events and outstanding people of those civilizations. The entries therefore form an outline of the development of human civilization. Two. Objectivity. In selecting the facts for the entries, the writers and editors have consulted numerous historical documents, academic works and reference books published in China and abroad. The wording of the entries is kept strictly objective...... 《简明中外文明发展进程》将为读者理解中华文明提供一个广阔的世界视角,也为理解西方文明提供东方的参照。